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  2. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,350 words
  3. SECOND SHEET TO The Maitland Mercury.

    THERE are two separate considerations involved in Mr. Dalley's opinion respecting the 133rd section of the Customs Regulation Act. They are—does that section empower ...

    Article : 1,410 words

    [Echo.]—The ladies of Moruya met yesterday at the Mechanics' Institute, and presented Mrs. Keightley with a valuable gold bracelet, as a mark of their esteem and regard. The family leaves this day for Albury, where Mr. Keightley ...

    Article : 1,323 words
  5. West Maitland Police Court.

    DRUNKENNESS.—A female was punished for being drun[?] a pubilc street, on Tuesday evening. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. (Before Messrs. Abbott, P.M., Green, J. J. Riley, and A. ...

    Article : 708 words
  6. A Libel Action against a Newspaper.

    A Roman Catholic priest named J. B. Collier brought an action in the Maryborough (Victoria) County Court on Friday, claimin[?] £250 from the proprietors of the Maryborough Standard for libel, ...

    Article : 478 words
  7. The Case of Elizabeth Phillips.

    After we went to press yesterday the following evidence was taken:- Annie Martin depesed that she was a general servant and resided at Junction-street with Mrs. Cannes, ...

    Article : 1,654 words
  8. The Late Mr. John Cumming of Victoria.

    The death of Mr. John Cumming, fo[?]merly a member of the Legislative Council, was announced in our obituary notices yesterday. About eleven weeks ago Mr. Cumming had an apopl[?]tic stroke from which he never thoroughly recovered. ...

    Article : 448 words
  9. Racing Sweep Swindles.

    The following memorandum, prepared by the Crown Law Department of Victoria, at the request of the Attorney-General, relates to the holding of monster sweeps or "consultations" on the Cup and ...

    Article : 419 words
  10. Hunter River Farmers' Association.

    On Monday night last a meeting of the Executive Committee, in connection with the recent ploughing match, was held in Mr. Tulip's Room, Morpeth. Mr. Atkinson, sen., occupied the chair. The business was to wind up the affair[?] in ...

    Article : 310 words
  11. A Compound Tramway Motor for Australia.

    The following appeared in the American Machinist of the 26th [?]ltim[?], published in New York:- "A tramway motor has just been finisbed by the Baldwin Locom[?]tive Works for the New South Wales Government, ...

    Article : 758 words
  12. A Garotter arrested in Newcastle.

    Yesterday Detective Camphin succeeded in arresting a man named John Cook, alias Mason, on a chareg of having garotted one John Cain, carpenter aboard the ship Firth of Dornach, but lately of the American vessel Oriental, and robbing him of ...

    Article : 432 words
  13. The Geelong Phylloxera Danger.

    At the usual weekly meeting of the V[?]torian Vinegrowers' Association held on the 14th in[?]t., in the Town-hall, the president, Mr. L. L. Smith, said that Mr. C. J. Perry had lately inspected the Geelong vineyards, and had made an offer to the ...

    Article : 577 words
  14. Melbourne Chambers of Commerce and Manufactures.

    At the Conference of the Chambers of Commerce and Manufactures, held to-day, it was resolved:—"1. That, in view of the rapid progress of the Australian colonies, the time has arrived for all to [?]nk minor differences, and combine to form ...

    Article : 197 words



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