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  2. International Soccer: About 5,000 People Braved the Elements Last Saturday to Witnes the Second of the Matches between Czecho-Slovakia and Western Australia on Cottesloe Oval. After an exciting game the Czecho-Slovaks won by six goals to four.

    (1) A general view of the ground and play. (2) Czech (right) versus Western Australian. (3) The Western Australian Soccer Council. Left to right: Messrs. Armstrong, Robinson Cooke, Bland (chairman) W. E. Collins (manager), R. White and Z. Prager (manager of the visiting team). (4) The Czecho-Slovakian team, says Cheerio! (5) The presentation by Mr. Prager to Mr. Bland, Chairman of the W.A. Soccer Council, of a cup made of the world-famous Bohemian cut glass as a memento of the visit. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 120 words
  3. Cricketers of the 'Nineties: Members of the First Western Australian Team to visit Victoria in April, 1893.

    Left to right. Top row: R. E. Bush, E. Wilson, W. F. Duffy, W. A. Bateman, A. Mcffat. W. Bird and T. Brown. Middle row: P. L. Hussey, E. Bishop, H. R. Orr (captain), F. D. North (manager) and W. Back. In front: F. Bennett, H. Wilson and E. Randell. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 72 words



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