A dull fire burned low in the sick room. The blind was lowered and the narrow strip of rain-swept garden was shut from view. The wind whistled and ...
Article : 1,461 wordsOne day, in a crowded street, Godfrey ran up against an old college chum. They recognised each other instantly in spite of the gulf of years that had rolled ...
Article : 1,035 wordsFor nearly three years Godfrey toiled on, and told himself that at last the worst was over. Three years' experience told for something and his salary, still ...
Article : 2,022 wordsIn a quiet street of a New Zealand city a woman calling herself Mrs. Davis had made her home. She had one son, a boy of about 14, whom she called George. The ...
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Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Sat 4 Sep 1909, Page 49
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