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  2. The Recent Fire.

    THE coroner, Mr. R. B. Pell, held an inquest to-day at M'M[?]hon's hotel into the circumstances attending the fire in Argent-street on Saturday morning, April ...

    Article : 888 words
  3. Intercolonial Items.

    The Rev. Charles Bright has resigned the pastorate of the Baptist Church, Bathurst-street, Sydney, and accepted a call from Norwood, S.A. ...

    Article : 297 words

    The number of sitting days of the Assembly during the past session was 112, exactly the same number as during the long session of the previous year. ...

    Article : 522 words
  5. Departure of Mr. H. H. Schlapp.

    THE pleasure which Mr. Schlapp anticipates during his holiday tour will surely be enhanced by the knowledge that he leaves Broken Hill with the hearty good ...

    Article : 570 words

    The Primate (Dr. Saumarez, Bishop of Sydney) has arrived at Townsville. The steamer Byron has, it is feared, been lost in a gale. The steamer Tweed, ...

    Article : 48 words

    The lowest tender for the Bunbury section of the south-western railway was a little over £1182 per mile. It is reported that Mr. Malcolm Fraser, ...

    Article : 55 words

    Mr. Alexander Purdie, assistant at the Thames School of Mines, has been appointed director of the School of Mines at Kyneton (Vic.) ...

    Article : 87 words
  9. 2nd EDITION

    LONDON, Wednesday Evening. Lieutenant-Colonel Harman has been appointed military adviser to the Australian colonies. ...

    Article : 226 words
  10. The Recent Fire.

    THE inquest on the recent fire next the Theatre Royal was continued this afternoon. Cecilia Tighe stated that she helped her sister, Mrs. Grant, to close up ...

    Article : 698 words

    Ignatius Figh, formerly publisher of the Herald here, met with a horrible death last night, being cut to pieces by a train at Sandringham. It is not quite ...

    Article : 284 words
  12. The Collection of Rates.

    To municipal councils the most important bill passed into law during the past session was one introduced on their behalf to the Legislative Council by Mr. Piggott. Its ...

    Article : 584 words
  13. Intercolonial Items.

    Mr. A. J. Barnes, the well-known land agentand temperance worker, was charged yesterday with forgery in connection with real properly documents, and remanded. ...

    Article : 37 words
  14. News from the Islands.

    H.M.S. Lizard, which has been absent a month, has arrived from the New Hebrides and New Caledonia. Her special mission was to obtain evidence ...

    Article : 165 words

    Two trams collided near Belmore Market to-day. Several cars were damaged, but no one was injured. An enginedriver and fireman have been ...

    Article : 253 words
  16. The Unemployed.

    The Labor Bureau was lively all day yesterday, 7000 names being registered. Seven hundred homeless individuals were sheltered in the Exhibition Building last ...

    Article : 134 words
  17. The Relief Water Supply.

    AFFAIRS romain in much the same state at the water depot, and about the same quantity of orders as yesterday still remains unsupplied. The carters have ...

    Article : 94 words

    The mines on the Eastern Slope seem to be completely out of favor, and there are no buyers for Bonanzas. The market generally is weaker. Prices ...

    Article : 111 words
  19. The Share Markets.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 113 words
  20. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 2,846 words



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