"HEADS a quid 1 Heads a quid [?]" orled Long Ike, the ringkeeper, and, the bet quickly made, he nodded his head to the spinner, and the two pennies spun merrily ...
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Advertising : 522 wordsDAVE and Lily, When they shifted in to their new house, didn't give a ball or a party of any kind to commemorate the occasion. They didn't believe in wasting ...
Article : 2,095 wordsAlthough Fred Archer, the famous jockey, who died on November 8, 1886, left the bulk of his property to his daughter, who attained the ago of 21 ...
Article : 323 wordsMr. Phipps, son of the American millionaire, partner of Mr. Carnegie, sued the proprietors of New Claridge's Hotel in the King's Bench Division on ...
Article : 176 wordsThe flirtation of a young soldier with his aunt, who was ll years younger than her husband, was disclosed at an inquest at Aldershot recently. Thomas Smith, ...
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Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW : 1888 - 1954), Sat 23 Dec 1905, Page 6
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