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  2. Old Charabanc For Veteran Car Rally

    Warrant Officers C. Mitchell and T. Thompson, of the 3/9 SA Mounted Rifles, working on a pre-World War I charabanc, which they have entered in the Veteran Car Rally, to be held tomorrow. Thirty-three veterans have been entered in the rally, which will start at the corner of East and North terraces at 1.45 p.m. on the run which will raise funds ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 138 words

    Sir—When I read in "The Advertiser" (30/3/50) the curt notice to the public by the SA Brewing Co. ...

    Article : 216 words
  4. Out Among The People

    MR. Charles Burgan, ASASM, who retires today after having been secretary of Walsh's Oriental Hotel for 22½ years. ...

    Article : 976 words
  5. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 834 words
  6. Pioneer Woman To Be Honored

    Sir—Miss Vida Goldstein was one of Australia's outstanding citizens, and a move is being made to establish an ...

    Article : 261 words
  7. U.S. Recognition Of Communist China Favored

    The United States, with suitable guarantees, should recognise the Chinese Communist regime, according to ...

    Article : 157 words
  8. Congestion At Public Library

    Congestion in the lending service section of the Public Library has become so uncomfortable that plans are ...

    Article : 205 words
  9. "Nothing Less Than Equal Pay"

    A meeting of about 300' women unionists in the Trades Hall last night called upon their respective unions to ...

    Article : 178 words
  10. "Urgent Need" For Food Parcels

    Sir—The UK £2m. drive to build a permanent memorial to the nation's gratitude for food rifts is splendid proof of the ...

    Article : 167 words
  11. Plea For Children Of T.B. Parents

    Sir.—Dr. Cowan (28/3/50) is getting away from the real plea of "A TS. wife." (27/3/50). I agree with her statement that ...

    Article : 204 words
  12. "Liability" To Be An Australian

    Sir—Regarding the announcement by the Minister for Immigration (Mr. Holt) that hostels to house 8,000 British and ...

    Article : 102 words
  13. Control Of Fireworks Tighter

    Regulations gazetted yesterday tighten the control of fireworks which may be made, stored or sold in SA and ban a ...

    Article : 198 words
  14. B.C.O.F. Chief's Trip

    The BCOF Commander (Lt. Gen. Robertson) would fly to Sydney tomorrow for a conference at Canberra, a BCOF ...

    Article : 33 words
  15. University Finances Enquiry

    A committee formed by the Commonwealth Government to investigate university finances, met at Adelaide University ...

    Article : 74 words

    Prom "Ma Of Two":—"Critic" (27/3/50) complains about the farmer getting child endowment. If "Critic" thinks ...

    Article : 433 words
  17. £1,000 Bequest To Church

    The Synod of the Church of England will receive £1,000 and the Bishop's Home Mission Society £500 under the terms of ...

    Article : 130 words
  18. First Temporary Homes Ready

    The first six of the 1,000 emergency homes which the SA Housing Trust is building for the State Government ...

    Article : 142 words

    The Deputy Director of Meteorological Services reported last night:—The passage of the cold front between two ...

    Article : 221 words
  20. Majestic Buildings Sale Today

    Strong competition between varied local and interstate interests, including potential buyers from Melbourne and Sydney. ...

    Article : 79 words
  21. Incentives "Must Be Financial"

    Sir Greville Maginness, retiring president, told the annual meeting of the British Employers' Confederation that ...

    Article : 85 words
  22. Legislation Soon On Soldiers' Pensions

    The Government hoped to pass legislation this session adjusting soldiers' pension rates, the Minister for Repatriation ...

    Article : 57 words
  23. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 40 words
  24. Surgical Transplantation Successes In U.S.

    A group of Chicago research doctors are working on a revolutionary new technique which may enable ...

    Article : 252 words
  25. Millswood Shed Fire

    Believed to have been started by a spark from burning rubbish, a fire yesterday demolished a wood and iron toolshed ...

    Article : 77 words
  26. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 109 words
  27. Speedway To Close

    Owing to the unsettled weather and the return of international stars to England, the Kilburn Speedways will close ...

    Article : 63 words



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