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  2. Varied History Of Light Memorials

    The SA Pioneers' Association's annual pilgrimage to Light's Vision on Montefiore Hill, which will take place on Monday, recalls the varied history of memo-rials to Adelaide's founder, beginning immediately ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,157 words
  3. Federal Finance About To Enter New Phase

    The closing of the Federal financial year today probably marks the end of a phase of Commonwealth finances and the beginning of a new one. ...

    Article : 1,141 words
  4. £6m. Outlay In New City Buildings

    "While experts estimate that the SA housing lag will not be overtaken for eight years. there is a ...

    Article : 401 words
  5. The Advertiser ADELAIDE, SATURDAY, JULY 1. 1950.

    Expect the unexpected. Be ready for anything. "Boast not thyself against tomorrow, for thou knowest not what a ...

    Article : 734 words

    I HAVE never served on a jury; and—believe it or not—I have never been tried by a jury: I speak ...

    Article : 1,792 words
  7. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 569 words
  8. Move On Communism By The Pope

    Pope Pius today decreed excommunication for all who "plot against legiti-mate ecclesiastical ...

    Article : 130 words
  9. As I See It

    One of the big questions in Korea is how soon the US Army will be compelled to put ground troops into ...

    Article : 599 words
  10. Hope For 50 p.c. Cool Output Increase

    The new chairman of the Joint Coal Board (Mr. S. Coch-ran) hopes to obtain a 50 p.c. increase in NSW coal output ...

    Article : 96 words

    {No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 3 words

    The Minister ol Education (Mr. Rudall)opened a library at the Wallaroo school yesterday afternoon. ...

    Article : 400 words



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