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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 934 words

    Two new gadgets designed to assist, and at the same time, add interest to that tedious business-the weekly darning-make shop-ping headlines this week. One is a darner for ...

    Article : 242 words
  4. Living In The Old Eucla Township

    With her five children, ages ranging from 101/2 to 4 years (a boy either end and three girls in between), Mrs. Roy Gurney, of Eucla, and Koonalda station on the Nullarbor Plain, has been spending a ...

    Article : 878 words
  5. Welcome To English Visitors

    "MY Wife and I hope that we can be of some help to you in this State in the ...

    Article : 401 words
  6. Roundabout

    MISS Joan Cleland has beengranted six months' leave by the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science and by the ...

    Article : 1,424 words
  7. A Travelling Kindergarten

    ONCE a week a big cream panel van drives up to some sheltered spot in Canberra and is at once surrounded by a ...

    Article : 111 words
  8. Rehearsing "Full House"

    WITH their producer, Mrs. Ruby Litchfield, mem-bers of the east of Ivor No vello's sparkling comedy. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 382 words
  9. Council Of Social Service

    THE SA Council of Social Service will hold its annaul meeting in the Chamber of Manufactures board room, Pirie ...

    Article : 51 words
  10. R.S.L. Activities

    The Sir Eric Millhouse Appeal for the Cancer Fund will close on Friday, said the acting State president (Mr. T. C. Eastick) ...

    Article : 356 words

    THE Methodist Women's Home Mission Association will hold a floral afternoon in the Pirie street Methodist Church hall at ...

    Article : 43 words

    Mr. Lloyd Davies. Miss Barbara Howard and Mr. Clemens Leske. members of the staff of the Elder Conservatorium ...

    Article : 58 words



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