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  1. Please wait. Loading browse data... loading
  2. Salary Plea For Professional Men Advanced

    The hearing of the Metal Trade Unions' claim for higher margins before the Full Arbitration Court was interrupted today while Mr. P. ...

    Article : 555 words
  3. Light Plane's England-Australia Flight

    Bill Strauss (left) and Bob Hantken explain details of their flight from England with a map on the wing of their plane on their arrival at Parafield yesterday. Listening to them is Bob's father, Mr. E. F. Hantken, who flew from Queensland to meet them. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 98 words
  4. Out Among the

    WE were congregating yesterday for the Justices' Association monthly lunch ...

    Article : 690 words

    Sir—With regard to the announced overseas artists to appear in Australia next year. I have to marvel at ...

    Article : 111 words
  6. Spear Fishermen "Not Ruthless"

    Sir—The members of the Underwater Skindivers and Fishermen's Association of SA, protest against your ...

    Article : 229 words
  7. Homework And Recreation

    Sir—I support the statement by Student" (12/10,54) about home work. ...

    Article : 146 words
  8. Need For Council Libraries

    Legislation for encouraging the establishment of free lending libraries by local ...

    Article : 194 words
  9. Curfew Plan For Teenagers

    Sir—So "U. Know" thinks that teenagers should be compelled to be home by 10 p.m. by an Act ...

    Article : 103 words
  10. "Navy Is Ready For War"

    The Royal Australian Navy was ready for war at a moment's notice. Vice-Adml. Sir John ...

    Article : 262 words
  11. Factory Will Rise Under New System

    A £30,000 factory and office block in Daws road, Cudmore Park, will be erected under ...

    Article : 135 words

    In most States the public wants shops open from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. on week days, and 9 a.m. to noon on Saturdays, the Gallup Poll finds. ...

    Article : 496 words
  13. Socialisation And The Banks

    Sir—E. H. Crimes's attack on private monopolies (11/10/54) is apparently a hit at the trading banks ...

    Article : 166 words
  14. To The Editor

    Sir—Many of us teenagers are trying to become good citizens by attending evening classes. ...

    Article : 64 words
  15. Gallery Buys Two Paintings

    The board of the National Gallery has bought two pictures from the exhibition of still life and flower ...

    Article : 77 words
  16. Floats Lent To Payneham

    Two Christmas pageant floats lent by John Martin and Co. Ltd. would be used in the annual Christmas ...

    Article : 72 words
  17. To The Editor.

    Sir—Too many parents leave the education of their children to the kindergarten, school and radio and ...

    Article : 87 words
  18. Business Talks

    General and economic trends which are likely to affect business in the forthcoming year will be ...

    Article : 92 words
  19. Signal "Must Be Changed"

    If a driver is turning to the right and has to stop to make the turn in safety, he should raise his ...

    Article : 131 words
  20. Watersider's Visit

    The Port Adelaide vigilance officer of the Watersidet Workers' Federation (Mr. H. Digance) will visit ...

    Article : 29 words
  21. Shipbuilding

    Twenty-one ships were being built in Australian shipyards for the Commonwealth Shipping Line, the ...

    Article : 51 words
  22. "Compromise" Opposed

    A special meeting of members of the Australian Government Workers' Association employed by the ...

    Article : 100 words
  23. Long Trip In Small Plane

    Late yesterday morning two young Australian pilots arrived at Parafield aerodrome in ...

    Article : 137 words
  24. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 208 words
  25. Plan To Extend Grandstand

    Plans to extend grandstand accommodation to take another 1,000 people at Thebarton Oval were ...

    Article : 70 words
  26. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 259 words
  27. New Pensions Payable Today

    The first payment of age and invalid pensions at the new rates would be made today, the Director of Social ...

    Article : 106 words
  28. "Understanding Needed"

    Mutual understanding between employers and employes was required for the success of present-day ...

    Article : 136 words
  29. Land Grant For Kindergarten

    The Campbelltown Council decided last night to grant the freehold of land at Fisher street. Finchley ...

    Article : 56 words
  30. World Week Of Prayer

    The 87th Annual Week of Prayer of the YWCA and YMCA will be observed in Adelaide from November 14 ...

    Article : 79 words
  31. Talks On Power Charges Sought

    The SA Trades and Labor Council will ask the Conservator of Forests (Mr. B. H. Bednall) to meet a ...

    Article : 65 words
  32. Cattle Problems To Be Discussed

    Problems of the cattle [?]ustry with special reference to the control of pleuro-pneumonia, will be ...

    Article : 98 words
  33. To Help Incurables

    The Rotary Club of Adelaide had decided to launch a big appeal in 1955 for the Home of incurables, the ...

    Article : 38 words
  34. Dennis The Menace...

    "HEY, WAKE UP! YOUR ICE CREAMS RUNNIN' DOWN YOUR ARM!" If you enjoy Dennis, look for his adventures in color in "The Sunday Advertiser." ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 54 words
  35. "Jaycee" Film Show

    Finalists in the "Apprentice of the Year" contest, conducted earlier this year, were entertained with a ...

    Article : 43 words
  36. M.T.T. Cottages To Be Demolished

    The General Manager of the Municipal Tramways Trust (Mr. J. N. Keynes) has informed the Port ...

    Article : 110 words
  37. New Traffic Islands

    Unley Council has decided to build traffic islands at the intersection of Goodwood road, Railway terrace ...

    Article : 36 words
  38. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 33 words
  39. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 9 words



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