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  2. Disaster at Mt. Mulligan Gas Explosion in the Mine

    A feeling of deep sympathy and consternation ran through Cairns on Monday when it was learned about noon that a terrible and disastrous explosion had occurred at the Mt. Mulligan ...

    Article : 581 words
  3. Q.W. Electoral League.

    The Cairns branch of the Q.W.E.L. meets in the Oddfellows' Hall, at 3.30 p.m., on Thursday, 22nd inst. Officers of the branch will be elected. ...

    Article : 29 words
  4. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 781 words
  5. Sale of Furniture.

    Messrs. Woodward and Calder will auction the household furniture of Mr. H. O. Bickmore, Sheridan Street (near Presbyterian Church), at 2 p.m. ...

    Article : 27 words
  6. Trade Disorganised.

    Burns, Philp & Co., Ltd., are advised that a special Gazette has been issued declaring Queensland an infected State, and until quarantine is ...

    Article : 40 words
  7. Cairns' Bowling Club.

    In connection with the Cairns Bowling Club, a handsome trophy, donated by Messrs. John Dewar & Sons, for competition by the Cairns ...

    Article : 36 words
  8. Fell off Bicycle.

    A lad named Reginald Terriss, aged 12 years, met with a mishap on Monday, when he fell off his bicycle and sustained a broken leg. After ...

    Article : 52 words
  9. A Sudden Death.

    Our Gordonvale correspondent advises:—A man named James Long died suddenly at Aloomba on Monday morning. The matter was reported ...

    Article : 62 words
  10. "Thimble and Pea."

    Thomas Thompson, alias "Tommy the Hound," alias George Johnson, alias F. K. Lamont, alias Bert Stewart, was charged, in the Cairns Police ...

    Article : 106 words
  11. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 67 words
  12. For Two Days Only.

    Ladies' calico knickers, wide American shape, trimmed with lace and insertion, usually 3/11, to-day's price, 2/9½ pair. Children's calico knickers, ...

    Article : 107 words
  13. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 39 words
  14. To Correspondents.

    C. H. Church.—You start by saying you will show us the "vulnerability" of some of our opinions. That's all right, and we feel quite interested. ...

    Article : 117 words

    At Roma Street this morning, for lucerne chaff the best prices obtainable for prime quality was 6/7, and a fair amount of business was done. ...

    Article : 190 words
  16. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 332 words
  17. Trainess' Encouragement Committee.

    At the monthly meeting of the above committee, held on Monday evening, the forthcoming bike road race for senior cadets was discussed, ...

    Article : 184 words

    We shall be pleased to furnish full particulars. Cairns Motor Agency, Box 56, P.O., Cairns, or Mayers Ltd. ...

    Article : 26 words
  19. Bails Estreated.

    Thomas O'Donohue failed to answer, in the Police Court on Monday, to charges of drunkenness and obscene language, thus forfeiting bail ...

    Article : 32 words
  20. Brisbane to Sydney on 19½ Gallons of Petrol.

    Another, remarkable performance has been made by an Overland light four. In the recent contest conducted by the automobile clubs of Australia ...

    Article : 236 words
  21. Twenty Flavours.

    The purest and most wholesome chocolates ever made are "Gold Ribbon Chocolates." An assortment of twenty flavours, in boxes and tins, ...

    Article : 49 words
  22. Death of Mr. P. G. Black.

    Mr. F. G. Black, general manager for Australia of Messrs. Burns, Philp & Co., Ltd., who arrived in Cairns from Sydney by the Levuka on ...

    Article : 157 words
  23. Relief Train's Progress.

    A message received by the Superintendent of the Cairns Ambulance, prior to the departure of the relief tram to Mt. Mulligan, was of terrible ...

    Article : 396 words



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