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  2. A Tornado in America

    A cablegram in the Melbourne daily press conveys the intelligence that a tornado has swept with terrible effect over the city of Laredo, on the left bank ...

    Article : 98 words
  3. Agricultural and Pastoral Mems.

    In the Dimboola district the grass is more luxuriant just now than it has been for many years at this time of the year. ...

    Article : 582 words

    The Commonwealth Parliament has been further prorogued until the 20th inst. Apparently municipal honors are ...

    Article : 1,215 words
  5. From Various Sources

    A new result of woman’s familiar habit of looking under the bed for a man is reported from Fitzroy. The heroine of the story is a lone woman ...

    Article : 1,164 words
  6. Ladies’ Gossip.

    "In Paris there is a decided reaction in favour of the short-waisted inodes of the Empire and of the Henri II. periods.” So runs the hint, and now for the deduction. The ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 979 words
  7. A Determined Suicide.

    "Good-bye, girls,” called out a young man to two young ladies who were walking along Prince’s Bridge, Melbourne, last Sunday evening, and ...

    Article : 266 words
  8. Naturalisation of Foreigners.

    Daring last month 87 foreigners resident in the Commonwealth obtained the necessary papers to make them naturalised British subjects. Of these ...

    Article : 120 words
  9. Gold Discovery at Digger’s Rest.

    Mr B. Fry, an engineer, has discovered a quartz reef about two miles from the Diggers’ Rest railway station, in the vicinity of Jackson’s Creek, ...

    Article : 98 words
  10. Fatal Shooting Accident.

    A sad accident which resulted fatally has taken place at Gisborne. Mr A. Davies, Mr W. Bryne, and a mutual friend were out on a rabbit shooting ...

    Article : 74 words
  11. Duty on Oils.

    Duties have hitherto been collected on oils in New South Wales which have been described as “residual” at the rate of a farthing a gallon, while ...

    Article : 118 words
  12. Stock Markets.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 617 words
  13. Electoral Maps.

    Mr Topp, the State Public Service Commissioner, has completed the work of dividing the State into new Federal electorates, and next week maps ...

    Article : 86 words
  14. A Plucky Schoolboy.

    An eleven-year-old Bon of Mr Marcus Critchley, of North Brighton, was walking with his little sister, three years of age, on the Middle Brighton ...

    Article : 139 words
  15. The Dairying Industry

    News has been received that butter produced at the Rochester factory has realised 107/ per cwt. in the London market. This is believed to be the ...

    Article : 169 words
  16. Empire Day.

    The State Schools will take a prominent part in the celebration of Empire Day on 24th May. The pupils will attend school as usual in the morning, ...

    Article : 101 words
  17. Unfortunate Predicament

    A poor woman had an unfortunate experience in Sturt-street, Ballarat, this week, which happily few hare to undergo. She, with her husband, was ...

    Article : 127 words
  18. The Australian Miners’ Association.

    The Creswick branch of the A.M.A. carried a resolution at a recent meeting:—“That any member who has met with an accident shall for the first ...

    Article : 156 words
  19. Closer Settlement Information.

    For those who propose taking up land under the Closer Settlement Act, a useful handbook of information has been prepared for distribution by Mr ...

    Article : 108 words
  20. A Water Supply Complaint.

    The East Boort Irrigation Trust consider that they are unfairly treated by the Water Supply Department in allowing the whole of the Loddon waters ...

    Article : 84 words
  21. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 62 words



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