"At the end of my first year as Chief of Naval Staff, I should like all officers and sailors to A know how impressed I have been at your willingness to get on with the job. I am sure many of you, A for a number of reasons, have experienced concern about the future of the RAN but despite these A miszivinzs. it an Dears to me from my all too brief visits to ships and establishments that you realise ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 464 wordsSMNATA Jeffrey Neil Gilmore (18) and SMNATA Peter O'Leary (19), met death in a dry creek bed after two cars, in ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 235 wordsThis is the message from the Co-ordinaton of Naval Safety, CMDR R. A. Waddell-Wood, in a pre-Leave statement in Canberra. CONS, CMDR Waddell-Wood ...
Article : 484 wordsIn the same week, motor cyclist SBLT James Frederick Hannaford died in a road accident on the New England Highway at ...
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Royal Australian Navy News (National : 1958 - 2023), Fri 13 Dec 1974, Page 1
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