CITY POLICE COURT.—Before Mr Ernest Whitfeld, P.M., and Mr J. C. Cathcart, J.P. George Anderson, aged 12, was charged by Detective-Sergeant Brennan ...
Article : 2,704 wordsOur advertising columns announce that this well-known institution is issuing policies containing new and improved benefits. As the majority of the benefits ...
Article : 675 wordsThe hearing of the charge against Dr. Jameson, ex-Administrator of the British South Africa Company, and the other officers, viz., Major Sir John C. ...
Article : 459 wordsBefore the hon. C. O' Reilly, S.M. ABUSIVE LANGUAGE. Berluwitz v. Smith. Mr. E. M. Law (Law and Weston) ...
Article : 272 wordsNews of the death of Mr John Fitzgerald, Council Clerk at Deloraine, was received in the city yesterday morning, and though the sad announcement was far from ...
Article : 489 wordsAn account of the expedition undertaken by Captains Ross and Crozier of H.M.S. Erebus and Terror in 1840 to the Autarctic regions, embracing a few ...
Article : 1,160 wordsBefore the Commissioner (hon. v. C' O' Reilly) and juries. PETEL NEENAN ELDER V. JORIN SNELLINGS. ...
Article : 707 wordsAn enquiry was held at Panshanger to-day before Mr W. H. D. Archer (coroner) and a j[?] of seven, of whom Mr M. Brumby was foreman, touching the death ...
Article : 548 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 582 wordsGeneral Baldissera reports that the fate of 7000 of the Italians who took refuge in Adowa after Sunday week's defeat is unknown. ...
Article : 55 wordsIn the recent battle between the Italians and Shoans the losses on both sides were very heavy. The Italians' was estimated at 7000, while the returns ...
Article : 49 wordsThe feeling is now growing in Italy that it would be impossible to withdraw from the campaign. ...
Article : 21 wordsIt is reported that 10,000 Dervishes have assembled in the vicinity of Kassala. ...
Article : 16 wordsThe Federal Bank of Australia has declared a dividend of Is in the £1, and the official receiver, Mr C. J. Stewart, states that the next will probably be ...
Article : 42 wordsOf the highest degree of purity and nutritive value. Every drinker of cocoa should bear In mind the following important facts :—That it is absolutely pure, economical, entirely free ...
Article : 96 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 97 wordsCADBURY'S COCOA is economical.—A small spoonful makes a large breakfast cup of dellcious, refreshing, digeatible, and absolutely pure and nourisbing cocos, of the greatest ...
Article : 37 wordsNothing is easier of cure if taken in time. The after effects are warded off by taking Wolfe's Schnapps before retiring.—109 ...
Article : 22 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Launceston Examiner (Tas. : 1842 - 1899), Thu 12 Mar 1896, Page 5
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