VOLCANOES OF THE UNITED STATES.—Excluding Alaska, the United States may be said to be non-volcanic, states Mr Ralph S. Tarr, but it has not been so long. ...
Article : 1,139 wordsFirst comes the class most evidently fruitful of mischief, that of 'deaths not medically certified.' This has been undoubtedly diminishing of late years, yet ...
Article : 1,679 wordsTemples are built on hills, and trees are planted around them. The wind whistling through the pines gives out a sound which Buddhists say is praise to ...
Article : 1,168 wordsIt will, perhaps, be news to some of our readers that one member of the great trio associated with the repeal of the Corn Laws in England, and the establishment ...
Article : 481 wordsThe French press has very generally noticed and commended a book recently published in Paris, entitled 'L'Alsace devant Europe.' The author, who calls ...
Article : 582 wordsThe thing seems too horrible. It is as though we had been for an hour with a new Dante into a new Inferno, a yet more sordid hell, but none less terrible. ...
Article : 255 words{No abstract available}
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Launceston Examiner (Tas. : 1842 - 1899), Sat 31 Mar 1894, Page 8
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