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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 363 words
  3. Social

    MRS. HUGH WARD, Jun., who is on a visit to Sydney, was the guest of honor at a party given by Mrs. Cecil White and Miss Marie ...

    Article : 575 words
  4. In the Shops

    The following paragraphs will give some idea of the many bargains in the shops, which, in the opinion of "The Daily Telegraph," merit special attention from the wise woman:-- WOMEN who may, in spite of ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,704 words
  5. Gossip

    A farewell is to be given to Dr. Grace Boelke on March 22 at Beaumont House, by the members of the Women's League, prior to her ...

    Article : 349 words

    The brilliant young Australian soprano, who as a candidate for world's honors leaves Sydney on April 1, for London, where, at the Royal ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 74 words
  7. New Home

    THE premises of the Sydney Female Refuge, which were last year handed over to the Church of England Homes, Glebe Point and ...

    Article : 91 words
  8. Queen Victoria Club

    THE recent establishment of the Queen Victoria Club, at Burdekin House, Macquarie Street, will be a matter of peculiar interest ...

    Article : 150 words
  9. Lady Stonehaven

    THE committee of the Hollywood Set, which is organising a ball in aid of the Little Citizens' Free Kindergarten, has received a letter ...

    Article : 54 words
  10. Women's League

    MRS. A. V. ROBERTS presided at the first general meeting of the year of the Women's League of New South Wales at Bathurst House ...

    Article : 368 words
  11. Weddings

    At St. Stephen's Church last night the marriage was celebrated by Rev. Mr. Ferguson of Miss Phyllis Allsopp, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. ...

    Article : 424 words
  12. Radium Matinee

    GREAT progress was made at Miss Nellie Stewart's Radium Matinee committee meeting yesterday afternoon at the Hotel Australia, when ...

    Article : 146 words
  13. Cabaret

    THE Waratah Cabaret, to be held at the Glaciarium on March 20 in aid of the deaf and dumb children under the care of the ...

    Article : 128 words



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