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    The Australian Red Cross, at a Federal convention in Melbourne this week, decided to launch Food for Britain appeals in all States where they are not at present being held. ...

    Article : 694 words

    At the opening session of the tele-communications conference here today, spokesmen for all the Dominions and India supported a proposal advanced by the Deputy Director of the British CPO (Sir Raymond ...

    Article : 1,149 words
  4. Prisoners Of War Return Haute

    The above ex-prisoners of war returned to Adelaide yesterday. They are:—X. Ford, Lt. Dobson, F. Dreyer, R. Fox, and S. Armstrong. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 26 words
  5. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 354 words
  6. Food For Britain Fund Passes £60,000

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,607 words

    The directors of the Authorised newsagents' Association have warmly approved a plan for helping the Lord Mayor's Food for ...

    Article : 156 words

    A large number of South Australian members of the RAAF who arrived from Britain in the Aquitania yesterday, will leave Perth ...

    Article : 935 words
  9. Port Pirie Collects

    On behalf of the Port Pirie Town Council's movement In aid of the Food for Britain appeal a fund has been opened, and subsriptions in ...

    Article : 53 words
  10. Canned Fruit For Britain

    Indications were that about 1,000,000 cases of canned fruits would be available for shipment from Australia to Britain during ...

    Article : 87 words
  11. Prospect Effort

    A public meeting will be held to the town hall. Prospect, at 8 p.m. on Thursday to arrange for Prospect's effort to obtain money and ...

    Article : 39 words

    The English never complain. This Is the outstanding impression left on hundreds of South Australians who, have received letters ...

    Article : 476 words
  13. Commercial Travellers Open Fund

    The Commercial Travellers' Association, in addition to a £50 donation. has opened a 10/ appeal among its members to help the ...

    Article : 157 words
  14. Trading Table To Be Conducted

    At the final meeting of the Lady Mayoress's Bed Cross sewing circle in the banqueting room at the Town Hall on Thursday, December 6, a ...

    Article : 72 words
  15. Second Blackburn To Win Clark Prize

    Miss Rosemary N. Blackburn, who has been recommend for the John Howard Clark Prize this year, is a daughter of Brig. A. S. ...

    Article : 105 words
  16. Union Support For

    The United Trades and Labor Council, on the motion of Mr. K. E. Bardolph. MLC. last night endorsed a request for trade union support ...

    Article : 48 words
  17. Chess Champion To Aid Appeal

    The Adelaide chess Club will hold a novel chess event on Tuesday, December 4, in aid of the Food for Britain Appeal. ...

    Article : 146 words
  18. Social

    Largs Bay Red Cross branch will hold a social in aid of the Lord Mayor's Food for Britain Appeal in St. Allan's hall at 2.30 p.m. on ...

    Article : 40 words
  19. British Pacific Fleet Thanks Australia

    "Tnank You, Australia," produced by Fleet Publications, British Pacific Fleet, published in Sydney by the Naval Information ...

    Article : 150 words
  20. Service Association's Annual Meeting

    The combined annual report of Women's Service Associations was presented last night at the annual meeting. Associations represented ...

    Article : 117 words
  21. Women's Bowls For Fund

    The Kensington Gardens Women's Bowling Club will hold a rinks tournament at the Sports Club at 1.30 p.m. on Tuesday in ...

    Article : 66 words



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