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  2. Magazine Section

    There is a spot I love to-linger in Where the gold shower of the fallen leaves. Depp[?]es the smooth green carpet of the turf. A little lake spanned by a rustic bridge-- ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 273 words
  3. The Slave of the Pawn

    I WAS asked the other day how It was possible for, me to play six games of chess simultaneously while blindfolded. I, had just given an example of this type of play, and one or two onlookers found it difficult to understand how It was possible to carry ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,599 words
  4. The Case of Unamuno

    THERE is nothing greater, in the world of men than thought. --Science,- literature--what other glories has man? Yet the company ...

    Article : 1,413 words
  5. Pretender.

    SINCE long before breakfast Nina had been waiting for tho postman, and when his knock came she sprang to the door. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,091 words

    EVERY night when closing time came the little florist walked to the ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,023 words
  7. Some Glorious Men-O'-War

    THERE is more in naval history than one moots in tho school books. Those who. have "dreamed' of tho sound and splendor of ...

    Article : 1,080 words



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