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  2. Commercial Section

    A scheme for the disposal in India of a large number of used vehicles, which have been in military service and are now available ...

    Article : 303 words
  3. STOCK EXCHANGE Slow Trading In Firm Market

    Buyers continued prominent on the Stock Exchange yesterday and the market remained firm, but few sellers appeared, and trading was ...

    Article : 1,905 words
  4. Business News In Brief

    Following the promotion of Mr. J. Lord to the management of the Footscray branch of the National Bank of A/sia. Ltd.. Mr. J. R. ...

    Article : 142 words
  5. Daily And Weekly Rainfall

    The following is the daily rainfall recorded in South Australia and the Northern Territory during the 24 hours ended 8.30 a.m. yesterday (figures in ...

    Article : 849 words
  6. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,457 words
  7. Producers' cold Storage

    The annual meeting of Producers" Cold Storage, Limited was held yesterday when the chairman of directors (Mr. J. H. [?] presided. The directors report ...

    Article : 56 words
  8. Noarlunga Sand Company

    The accounts of the Noarlunga Sand Company. Limited, for the year ended June 30 show net sales of sand at £6.675 (compared with £6.92) the previous ...

    Article : 150 words
  9. Melbourne Market

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 190 words
  10. Millaquin Sugar Co.

    For the year ended June 30 the accounts of Millaquin Sugar Company, Limited, show a profit of £61.964 compared with £60.144 for the previous 12 ...

    Article : 185 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 25 words

    There were no movements in wheat cargo prices on the English markets today. On the London Baltic Exchange Australian for August-September ...

    Article : 86 words
  13. Debenture Stocks

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 54 words
  14. Chicago Options

    The market for September and December options at Chicago firmed half a cent a bushel today, but May was unchanged September closed at 153[?] cents ...

    Article : 56 words
  15. Overseas Indices

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 102 words
  16. Canadian Wheat Stocks

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 30 words
  17. Local Grain Markets

    Trading in the local grain markets was again active yesterday, with free movements in both wheat and barley. Millers took full quantities of the former for ...

    Article : 45 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 308 words
  19. Fruit And Vegetables

    The SA Fruitgrowers and Market Gardeners Association reported that cauliflowers were in full supply on yesterday's market, and were easier. The supply ...

    Article : 152 words
  20. Citrus Market Report

    The Murray Citrus Growers Co-op Association reports that there has been a substantial clearance of orange stocks Demand is more active and the market ...

    Article : 88 words
  21. Sydney Market

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 125 words
  22. Very Nervy and Run-Down

    At middle-age quite a number of people lose strength and become subject to attacks of nerves and always feel terribly tired. They cannot sleep at night and ...

    Article : 158 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 153 words
  24. Melbourne Quotations 16.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 86 words



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