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  2. Victorian Policemen Encouraged to Take Up Sport

    Sport is coming into its own in the Victorian Police Force. For many years, despite the enthusiasm of individual members, it existed only on sufferance, under the frowns of ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 2,526 words
  3. Weight-Lifting Feats

    Exceptionally fine performances were witnessed at a display given by the Weightlifters' Association during the week. Mr R. G. Shorthose, a visitor ...

    Article : 463 words
  4. Dinghy Carnival

    Much interest is being taken in the 14ft. dinghy championship races to be sailed at St. Kilda on January 2829 and 31, between West Australia, South ...

    Article : 683 words
  5. Country Cricket

    Having given some evidence of its desire to encourage country cricketers of youth and promise by including several who came within that ...

    Article : 159 words
  6. Langer an American

    Though he is described as a Hawaiian, Ludy Langer, who is; accompanying the visiting Hawaiian swimming team, is an American by ...

    Article : 39 words



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