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    At the Trades Hall, Newcastle, on Saturday night, January 4th, the annual meeting of the ...

    Article : 388 words
  3. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 207 words

    A crowded meeting of delegates to the Labour Council was held at the Trades Hail, on Thursday evening last. Mr. Tom Miller (Storemen) ...

    Article : 687 words
  5. Woollahra Labor League.

    The Woollahra P.L.L. held its weekly meeting on Tuesday evening, December 17. President, Mr. J. B. Lachlan in the chair. ...

    Article : 220 words
  6. Labor League Notes.

    Secretaries Labor Leagues are cordially invited to send reports of their meetings regularly to the “Co-operator.” They will be published. ...

    Article : 45 words
  7. King Labor League.

    King P.L.L. met on December 19th, at St. Peter’s School Room, Forbes-street, Mr. W. Clapham in the chair. ...

    Article : 62 words
  8. East Sydney Federal Council.

    The East Sydney Federal Council met on December 18th at 106 Cathedral-street, Mr. T. Slade in the chair. Surry Hills was the only league not ...

    Article : 84 words
  9. Cook Federal Council.

    The usual meeting of the Cook Federal Council was held at the Hall, on Saturday night, the president in the chair, and ...

    Article : 347 words
  10. Merewether Labor League.

    On Friday evening, January 3, Mr. C. H. Tonkin presided over a meeting of the Merewether Labor League. which was held at the Prince of Wales ...

    Article : 141 words
  11. Canterbury Labor Council.

    An inaugural meeting was held at Kiora Hall. Ca[?]sie, on Saturday, the 21st instant, for the purpose of forming an electorate council under the ...

    Article : 259 words
  12. Eastern Suburbs Labor League.

    The annual picnic of the combined Eastern Suburbs leagues was carried out successfully at Cabarita on Boxing Day. Among the large number of ...

    Article : 499 words
  13. Notes from the Trades Hall

    The attention of alt trade unionists Is directed to the “Consultation and Advice” feature of the “Co-operator,” In regard to Railway and Tramway industrial conditions; wages board awards, etc. We shall be very glad to answer questions with reference to other industries [?]d [?]ds in the same way. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 50 words

    At the last meeting of the Labor Council, Mr. Charles Fox, a delegate of the New South Wales Operative Bricklayers’ Trade Society, was ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 273 words
  15. Bondi Labor League.

    A very largely attended meeting of ladies and gentlemen, attended Christie’s Hall, Edg[?]liffe-road, Woollahra, on December [?], for the purpose of ...

    Article : 221 words
  16. Operative Bakers.

    At the last general meeting of the Operative Bakers’ Society the election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows : President, Mr. Geo. ...

    Article : 187 words
  17. Melbourne Carters’ Wages.

    The award of the Melbourne Carters’ Wages Board has been gazetted. It provides for 54/- per week of 54 hours for ’bus drivers to 45/- per week ...

    Article : 57 words
  18. Sawmill and Timber Yard Employees.

    At the last meeting of the Union, president A. S. Quill occupied the chair. Delegates from the different timberyards were present and ...

    Article : 271 words
  19. Textile Workers.

    An award has been issued governing textile workers in this State. The award, which has a currency of three years, provides for a working week of ...

    Article : 76 words
  20. Australian Actors.

    A meeting of the Australian Actors’ Union was held at Sim’s Rooms, 19[?] Pitt-street, City, on Sunday, December 22nd last. Mr. J. S. Ryan ...

    Article : 192 words
  21. Bricklayers.

    Nominations of officers for the ensuing year closed at the meeting of the Society held at the Trades Hall on Monday night of last week. For the ...

    Article : 89 words
  22. Millers and Mill Employees.

    A mass meeting of the members of the above union was held at the Trades Hall on Sunday last, when Messrs. T. Drum and George Lewis ...

    Article : 234 words
  23. Hur[?]stone Park Labor League.

    The secretary of the Hur[?]stone Park P. L. League is enthusiastic, and writes to the editor as follows : — Our league is flourishing, has a very ...

    Article : 324 words
  24. Ferry and Tugboat Employees.

    At the last meeting the secretary, Mr. Alf. Carter, brought under the notice of the Union the question of the better manning of vessels, and it ...

    Article : 107 words
  25. United Laborers.

    The attitude of the Labor Council towards a resolution placed before delegates at a recent meeting of that body calling upon two members of ...

    Article : 326 words
  26. Gas Employees.

    At the last meeting of the Gas Employees’ Union, the election of officers for the ensuing twelve month resulted as follows:—President. Mr. W. ...

    Article : 67 words
  27. Breaches of Award.

    At West Maitland Courthouse, before Mr. Chas. Hibble, on Friday last, David Lep was fined 6/- and 16/- costs for failing to keep pay-sheets of his ...

    Article : 96 words
  28. Paddington Labor League.

    There was only a fair attendance of members at the usual weekly meeting held at St. George’s Hall, Five Ways, Glenmore-road, on Friday evening ...

    Article : 509 words
  29. To Assist the Labor Daily.

    Recently at the instance of Mrs. J. S. T. McGowen a meeting was held for the purpose of taking steps to hold a bazaar to assist the Labor Daily. ...

    Article : 84 words
  30. The A. W. U.

    A general meeting of the Sydney district (A.W.U.) representing the Bourke and Central branches will be held at the “Worker” office, 129 ...

    Article : 66 words
  31. Tailors and Tailoresses.

    At the last sitting of the wages board, which is engaged in hearing evidence in connection with the clothing trade, it was decided not to sit ...

    Article : 226 words



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