Plumb and Channon's battery started today on its first lot of stone, from Harry's find, which was discovered by Neelds, but is now being worked on tribute. Splendid stone ...
Article : 211 wordsThe last three performances of "Henry V." are announced at Her Majesty's Theatre. On Saturday night "The Shamrock and the Rose" will be revived, with Mr. ...
Article : 412 wordsIn the Legislative Assembly, Upon the motion of Mr. Hogue, the House agreed to the bringing in of a bill to extend the Parliamentary franchise to certain ...
Article : 438 wordsThe first part of the Associated Clubs' double-barrelled pony meeting will be disposed of at Moorefield racecourse this afternoon, commencing at 2 o'clock, and, ...
Article : 856 wordsIn her lecture at the Opera House last evening, Mrs.Besant conducted her audience on a tour beyond the grave, and though, the majority of those present could ...
Article : 821 wordsMr. O'Sullivan introduced a short bill providing for a reduction of the salaries of future Governors. It provides that from and after the date on which the present ...
Article : 46 wordsOn the motion of Mr. Lyne, the House went into committee to consider the expediency of bringing in a bill, to amend the law relating to preferable liens on ...
Article : 168 wordsOn September 11, Mr. Shipway, speaking in the Legislative Assembly, asked the Colonial Secretary whether he would defer proceeding with the contract entered into ...
Article : 126 wordsMr. R. Pringle-Hoy, a well-known prospector, writes:--"As a resident of Wyalong for more than six months I have with interest watched the marvellous growth of both ...
Article : 327 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 68 wordsMr. O'Sullivan introduced a bill to provide for the better protection of homesteads. It was originally introduced before Mr, Carruthers brought up his Land Bill, ...
Article : 252 wordsThe report for 1893 of the Civil Service Board, laid on the table by Mr. Brunker, shows that the increase in the number of persons employed during the year was ...
Article : 348 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 412 wordsThe 12th annual Convention of the Women's Christian Temperance Union was opened yesterday morning in the Temperance-hall. Mrs. J. A. Nolan, colonial president, occupied ...
Article : 523 wordsMr. COPELAND said that he would like to make a personal explanation with regard to a type-written circular that he presumed had been sent to each member of ...
Article : 417 wordsMr. EDDEN, in moving the second reading of the Fisheries Act Amendment Bill, explained that the main object of the measure was to provide greater facilities for ...
Article : 495 wordsGOULBURN, Tuesday.--The executive of St. Saviour's finance committee have issued a memorandum stating that owing to the serious illness of Canon Puddicombe, and ...
Article : 88 wordsA minute with reference to improvements on the west side of Circular Quay was laid upon the table by Mr. Reid. It was in the form of a report from Mr. John Jackson, ...
Article : 377 wordsA well-attended lecture, entitled "Our Ships; or, Ninety-nine Years in the Pacific," was delivered last night by the Rev. Joseph King at the Y.M.C.A., Mr. T. R. Fairfax in the ...
Article : 224 wordsMr. Haynes moved, "That in the opinion of this House it is expedient that a sum of £1,000,000 sterling should forthwith he placed at the disposal of the Railway ...
Article : 238 wordsThe North Sydney District Club has decided on royal blue and scarlet as their colors, and Mr. A. W. Green, one of the vice-presidents, has presented the club with a flag, which is ...
Article : 113 wordsThe accidental arrest of two men on Saturday night on a charge of having counterfeit coins in their possession has led to rather important developments ...
Article : 362 wordsW. Humphreys (Sussex) is the 13th man in Stoddart's team, which has sailed for Australia. In addition to the list of Sydney matches, published yesterday, the team will ...
Article : 46 wordsMr. Brunker, in reply to Mr. Molesworth, said the first portion of the Rookwood. Reformatory buildings was erected in 1887 at a cost of £18,643 1s 9d, and the second ...
Article : 233 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 123 wordsThere was a large attendance last evening at the Town-hall, Newtown, when, under the auspices of the local branch of the Women's Suffrage League, an interesting debate took ...
Article : 129 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,349 wordsThe patentee of the Dunlop rabbit-exterminator gave an exhibition of his apparatus yesterday morning in the Domain. The method of dealing with rabbits by this ...
Article : 217 wordsMr. Price moved--"That in the opinion of this House the tolls on punts should be abolished. A punt, he said, was merely the floating portion of a road. Bridges were ...
Article : 294 wordsMr. Haynes moved:--"That in the opinion of this House the payment of 4 per cent, from their salaries by members of the civil serivce towards the pension fund ...
Article : 341 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 56 wordsMr. FARNELL moved the second reading of the Net Fishing in Port Hacking Prohibition Act Amendment Bill, and said it was intended to open a portion of ...
Article : 459 wordsSir,--This gifted lady, since her arrival in Sydney, has proved herself an echo of some importance. To the vegetarians she is evidently a voice. The following, taken ...
Article : 253 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 112 wordsMr. Affleck, the member for Yass, was unfortunate with two of the three little bills he had placed on the paper for yesterday afternoon. The first was the Carriages ...
Article : 381 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 186 wordsA new lodge was opened at Wyalong on the 23rd inst, by the district deputy Brother J. N. Penberthy, with 14 members. Miss A. U. Coombs, of Marulan, has re-opened ...
Article : 172 wordsSir,--When looking over the Government notices in your columns a few days ago my attention was attracted by one calling for tenders for the erection of a courthouse ...
Article : 387 wordsMr. Bavister will ask the Colonial Treasurer to-day, with reference to the Woolloomooloo Bay land resumptions, whether the Government, in opposition to ...
Article : 323 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 337 wordsMr. Moore moved for leave to bring in a bill to amend the Mining Act of 1874. He explained that the object of his bill was the reduction of the charge for miners' ...
Article : 106 wordsA match for £25 aside, between H. Evans (the champion) and D. Birkett, is to be played at the Grand Central Coffee Palace Hotel, Clarence-street, to-morrow evening. ...
Article : 29 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 219 wordsCost a lot of money, trouble, and labor, they were the subject of a considerable amount of thought and experience, and since they have become, as it were, public ...
Article : 198 wordsMr. Schey moved--"That there be laid upon the table of this House copies of all papers having reference to the payment by the Government of a sum of £332, costs in ...
Article : 275 wordsThe question whether the duties at present levied on imported spirits should be lowered or hot was discussed on a motion moved by Mr. Haynes, the text of which ...
Article : 539 wordsMr. Aflleck moved the Assembly into committee to consider the expediency of introducing a bill to prohibit persons from keeping boiling-down or salting ...
Article : 258 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 22 words{No abstract available}
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The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), Wed 26 Sep 1894, Page 6
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