The portrait in the next room haunted Barnes with a curious sense of nearness; the face seemed to be on his paper while he touched in the curious carving near the ...
Article : 4,208 wordsThe gathering gloom obscures your beauteous face, As envious Night strides on space, Comes on space: To rob me of the heaven I prize— ...
Article : 157 wordsI was weary with many troubles, For my heart was full of care, And my soul was tired with longing To be free from wild despair. ...
Article : 267 words"The World's Finger," by T.W. Hanshew (Ward, Lock, and Co.: through Gordon and Gotch).—Mr. Hanshew, who is an American author, making his first appeal ...
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The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Sat 10 Aug 1901, Page 266
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