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  2. The Coal Outlook.

    Speaking at the Council Chambers on Wednesday night last, Mr. Grover, manager of the local branch of the Commercial Bank of Australia said ...

    Article : 537 words
  3. The Election.

    The election for the position of Councillor rendered vacant by the retirement of Mr- W. V. Ogden took place on Thursday last and was not ...

    Article : 119 words
  4. A Provincial View of the Metropolis at Xmas.

    But one day in the city proper was sufficient for the provincials, and it may safely be assumed that what was to be seen was not missed by the ...

    Article : 1,095 words
  5. Collie as a Sanatorium.

    Cr. Reynardson: There was no doubt that although Collie was a mining town it was not black, dingy and dirty like most coal mining ...

    Article : 1,040 words
  6. Collie Municipal Council

    The ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Collie Municipal Council, was held in the Chambers on Monday evening last. Present: Mr. D. W. Jones ...

    Article : 1,321 words
  7. A Fatal Railway Accident

    A terrible accident occurred on the Timber Hewers’ concession line yesterday morning, when a train of equal to seven trucks and a van ...

    Article : 372 words
  8. Collie Municipal Matters.

    Mr. A. Krakoner, 111 proposing the toast of the Municipal Council at a recent function, referred to the splendid lighting of the town, the Building ...

    Article : 451 words
  9. Sports at Lucknow.

    A well, attended and successful sports, meeting was held at Lucknow (South-West Timber Hewers’ Co-operative Concession) on Boxing Day. ...

    Article : 528 words

    Mr. J. F. Rickaby, one of the victims of yesterday’s railway accident died yesterday afternoon, the cause of death being cereberal ...

    Article : 27 words
  11. Alleged Sly Grog Selling.

    Warrants were executed yesterday on W. Stuwart and W. Dobbins’ for alleged sly grog selling on the Timber Hewers’ Concession. ...

    Article : 39 words
  12. Snapshots at the Mayoral Function,

    Mr. Grover : Now you have got mo stuck. Mr. Krakouer : Well we’ve often been like that when we applied for ...

    Article : 204 words
  13. His Worship the Mayor on the Land Question, &c.

    They had plenty of land on which people could be settled, but the best country was locked up by the lease holders. The Government were ...

    Article : 268 words
  14. Collie Police Court

    At the Collie Police Court, on Thursday afternoon last, before Mr. Raymond Gee, R.M., J. C. Braidwood of the Victoria Hotel, Collie, ...

    Article : 106 words
  15. Advertising

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    Advertising : 220 words
  16. Advertising

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    Advertising : 113 words
  17. Advertising

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    Advertising : 76 words
  18. Advertising

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    Advertising : 33 words
  19. Advertising

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    Advertising : 16 words



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