The Emperor William, during the course of a speech delivered at a banquet at Potsdam, spoke in enthusiastic terms of the services of General Von Caprivi, the German ...
Article : 67 wordsA revolt has occurred in the province of Espirito Santo, in Brazil. The situation in the province of Bahia, on the coast, is considered critical. A conflict has taken ...
Article : 72 wordsTHIS morning, before his Honor the Chief Judge in Equity, a motion for an injunction was filed by the Attorney-General against the Municipal Council of Sydney. ...
Article : 723 wordsA GOOD deal of excitement was caused on Saturday in a locality near the city owing to a report gaining ground that a case of leprosy had been discovered. It was ...
Article : 394 wordsALTHOUGH the Tariff Bill is not yet an Act of Parliament, there are some persona who look on it as a foregone conclusion, and amongst these are the Victorian soapmakers. ...
Article : 331 wordsA man named James Fitzgibbons, of Carrington, reported to Senior-constable Mearn that he had had the sum of £16 and a plug of tobacco stolen from him. Later on a ...
Article : 62 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 562 wordsMrs. William Small, of Swan Creek, died yesterday. Deceased was a very old resident of the district, and has a very large family connection. She was much ...
Article : 39 wordsA man named William Young, aged 74 years, visited the town of Pontefract (Yorkshire) yesterday for the purpose of proceeding to secure a legacy of £100,000 left him ...
Article : 60 wordsThe sum of £100,000 has been offered by the Society of Friends (Quakers) in England towards the relief of the peasantry suffering from famine in the provinces of Russia. ...
Article : 35 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 935 wordsM. Ribot, the Minister for Foreign Affaire in France, has declined to receive a confidential agent sent to Paris by Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria with regard to the ...
Article : 45 wordsThe ECONOMIST, referring to the decision of the Victorian and New South Wales Governments, deprecates the flooding of the English market with £10,000,000 worth of ...
Article : 98 wordsEdward Pritchard, the English champion, has thrown out a challenge to Jim Hall, the Australian middle-weight, for a fight to a finish for a stake of £1000 a side in May ...
Article : 38 wordsOn Saturday, while training operations were in progress on the Bathurst racecourse, two jockeys named Neil and Ingersole met with serious ...
Article : 106 wordsThere are over half a dozen different religions organisations who hold open-air services here in various parts of the streets at nights, and as they generally ...
Article : 82 wordsThe New York Herald states that the United States naval authorities are preparing for the transport of 15,000 troops to the Republic of Chili. ...
Article : 34 wordsA HARD-LOOKING case named Hugh Sca[?]lon was charged at the Central Police Court to-day with having threatened one Emma Weekes. The prosecutrix, a ...
Article : 311 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 316 wordsOn the London Stook Exchange shares in the Bank of Australasia are quoted at £96, and shares in the Bank of New South Wales at £65. ...
Article : 32 wordsThe unfortunate dispute at the Wallsend Colliery is assuming serious aspects, and it is feared that the new year will commence with a strike. ...
Article : 33 wordsTHE suit of Hall v. Hall (husband petitioner) came under the notice of Mr. Justice Windeyer, in Chambers, this morning, on an application by the husband for custody ...
Article : 55 wordsDuring a conflict which took place on the frontier of Tunis, one of the Barbary States of North Africa, between Turkish troops and a body of Arabs 160 Arabs were ...
Article : 42 wordsThe ship County Clare arrived here on Saturday from Capetown, South Africa. On her arrival it was seen the ship had a slight list, and on inquiry Captain Cox ...
Article : 60 wordsMR. R. C. LUSCOMBE, the new inspector of scaffolding, has entered upon his duties. His first inquiry was in connection with the accident at Pyrmont to a man named ...
Article : 216 wordsThe Right Rev. Dr. W. P. Austin, Bishop of British Guiana, has been appointed Prelate of the order of St. Michael and St. George, in succession to the late Right Rev. Dr. ...
Article : 42 wordsJOSEPH SALMON pleaded guilty at the Central to-day to having assaulted Joseph Hogan. The latter, who put in a scar near the left ear as evidence in support, stated ...
Article : 59 wordsGEORGE GAMBLE, a seaman on board the Trafalgar, now lying at Circular Quay, was charge, at the Water Police Court to-day with inflicting grievous bodily harm, on ...
Article : 211 wordsThe Austro-Hungary Federal Parliament has agreed to the Customs treaties between Austria, Germany and Italy by a large majority. The Emperor William of ...
Article : 95 wordsEarly on Saturday morning a fire broke out in a large building in Caledonian-lane, between Post-office-place and Bourke-street. The occupiers of the building were Messrs. ...
Article : 71 wordsTHE postal authorities notify that mails for New Caledonia, New Hebrides and Fiji will be despatched by the steamer Rockton on Wednesday next, December 23, and thence ...
Article : 100 wordsThe victory of the Government has given great satisfaction here. Mr. Rae, M.L.A., is condemned on all sides for the part he has taken in the Reid obstruction. The general ...
Article : 68 wordsIT was at the Central to-day. "Were yon riotous?" said the bench. "Well, I was singing," replied the accused, and the answer opens up a nice point as to whether ...
Article : 61 wordsBarney Gibney, with 18 convictions against him, denied that he was a loafer and vagabond, and said he was an honest tailor on strike, who, when he ...
Article : 114 wordsABOUT 15 minutes after 3 o'clock this morning a fire was discovered on the private dwelling occupied by Mr. Griffiths, of Whistler-street, Manly. The local brigade, ...
Article : 76 wordsA man named J. Gascoigne, in the employ of Mr. Mitchell, farmer, met with a fearful accident whilst loading a bullock dray with hay. It appears that whilst Gascoigne ...
Article : 81 wordsThe French representatives in the Quebec Assembly are supporting Mr. Mercier, the deposed Premier of the Provincial Government. It is anticipated that in consequence ...
Article : 80 wordsKate Wilson and Sarah Ann Murray were ordered by the Parramatta Bench this morning to pay 40s. each, or spend one week in gaol for using obscene language at ...
Article : 38 wordsThe Narrandera Reserve Rifle Co.'s rifle match was concluded on Saturday for cash prizes to the value of £10, at ranges of 400, 500 and 600 yards, seven shots at each ...
Article : 71 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 245 wordsUNPROVOKED. -- Henry Cartwright, described as a laborer, when charged with having wantonly smitten George Baldock on the bridge of the nose, pleaded guilty, but ...
Article : 58 wordsConstable Larsen, strange to relate, is recovering from his shocking injuries, the result of being crushed between a railway carriage and the platform. ...
Article : 29 wordsMr. F. W. Edwards, from Wollongong, who has been appointed to the position of police magistrate for Parramatta and the district, vice Mr. Giles promoted to Sydney, ...
Article : 163 wordsGEORGE BURRE[?]O, a porter at the Darling Harbor railway yards, was assisting to unload wool from a truck this morning, when one of the bales fell upon him, inflicting ...
Article : 169 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 97 wordsMr. William Rignold arrived here on Saturday. His company follows, and he opens on Christmas Eve with "Now-a-days." ...
Article : 23 wordsCHEQUED. -- Joseph Cullen, 23, salesman, was remanded till Thursday on a charge of obtaining goods and money by means of a cheque from Catherine Kartzman. ...
Article : 150 wordsEverything is very quiet, notwithstanding the closeness of the festive season. Stock, crops and pasturage are looking splendid. ...
Article : 23 wordsOn Saturday evening, as three men were rowing across the Rip, from Point Nepean to Queenscliffe, they were caught in the strong ebb tide, and their boat washed out ...
Article : 81 wordsAccording to their annual custom during the month of December the Hand-in-Hand Tailoring Association of London will positively give to every customer a useful ...
Article : 50 wordsOur coat cutter has not an equal in Sydney. Every garment is not alone perfect in shape, but we guarantee hand work only. The great display of fashionable Vicuna and Melton ...
Article : 66 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 39 wordsThe beautiful Cabinet Photos of Jay and Co. are in universal favor. Jay's studio, 518 George-street, near Town Hall. Open on the holidays. ...
Article : 25 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 15 words{No abstract available}
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The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909), Mon 21 Dec 1891, Page 5
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