The first article in the London Quarterly, on the microscope and its revelations, is both able and interesting. It shows how the light of science is penetrating the professedly ...
Article : 2,407 wordsThe first elevens of the Civil Service and Richmond Clubs will this afternoon continue the match commenced between them on Saturday last on the Richmond ground. The ...
Article : 313 wordsA friendly match will be played this afternoon on the Victoria Bowling-green, between the South Melbourne and the Victoria bowling clubs, play to commence at half-past 3 ...
Article : 39 wordsMatches at handball have been arranged to come off this afternoon at the Prahran and Carlton courts, and at Walsh's court, King-street. ...
Article : 67 wordsThe annual speech-day of the pupils attending the Church of England Grammar School was held yesterday afternoon at the school building, the central hall of the institution ...
Article : 6,821 wordsA special general meeting of the directors of the Victorian Humane Society was held on Thursday at the Town-hall. Mr. John Wilks, J.P., president, occupied the chair, and there ...
Article : 943 words{No abstract available}
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Sat 23 Dec 1876, Page 5
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