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  2. Weddign of Air Commodore Kingsford Smith at Scots Church Melbourne

    Great public interest was shown in the marriage last week of Australia's foremost airman, Kingstord Smith. The party at Scots Church after the ceremony. Left to right: Air-Commodore Kingsford Smith and his wife, Flying Officer Max Allen, Miss Beris Kingsford Smith and Miss Kathleen Gepp, bridesmaids; Flight-Lieut. C. P. Ulm, groomsman; Miss Mollie McBride, bridesmaid. Between the two tiny trainbearers (left), Judith and Diane Paterson, is their mother (kneeling), Mrs. Tom Paterson, who is the bride's sister ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 96 words
  3. Country and City Cricket Colts Play Drawn Came at Glenferrie

    COUNTRY COLTS. Back row--Mr. Freeman (Castlemaine), president of Country Cricket League; V. Simpson (Geelong), D. F. Lawson (Castlemaine), W. Stiff (Rutherglen), H. Zachariah (Ararat), J. Livingstone (Jeparit), L. Hassetl (Geelong). Front row--J. E. May (Stawell), L. Vautier (Geelong), R. Daniel (Pakenham), capt.; ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 196 words



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