The Assembly has definitively resolved to adjourn on the 6th of August until tho 3rd of November. A motion for raising the state of siego ...
Article : 332 wordsThe local autherities in some of the districts south of the Yarra are up in arms against the proposal to include the places they represent in the area it is ...
Article : 10,077 wordsWe are indebted to Mr. R. L. J. Ellery, Governmentastronomer for the following:— The comet has been observed every morning since Tuesday until yesterday (Sunday), ...
Article : 572 wordsA sad accident happened to-day on the railway line now in course of formation between Ballarat and Maryborough. A man named William Holmes, manager for ...
Article : 158 wordsAt Green-hills yesterday, Robert Weston, a boy six years of age, committed suicide by shooting himself through the heart with a gun. Death was instantaneous. He had ...
Article : 458 wordsSir.—After reaoing Mr. Hind's letter as published in your issue of this morning, I have very little doubt that the comet which has been attracting so much notice lately is ...
Article : 453 wordsFilgnto v. Thomson. NEW COURT-HOUSE. (Before his Honour Mr. Jistice Harry and Juries of Four.) ...
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Mon 3 Aug 1874, Page 5
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