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  2. General News.

    The Hon. A.S. Cowley, M.L.A., Minister for Lands and Agriculture, returned to Brisbane on Thursday week in the A.U.S.N. Company's steamer Wodonga. Mr. Cowley left Brisbane in ...

    Article : 2,630 words
  3. The National Association.

    The monthly meeting of the council of the Queensland National Association was held on the 6th instant. The members present were Messrs. G. Grimes (in the chair), J. Macdonald, ...

    Article : 826 words
  4. An Interesting Return.

    "Hall's Mercantile Gazette" in its last issue gives some interesting particulars concerning documents of commercial interest registered and proceedings instituted during the ...

    Article : 445 words
  5. Custom-house at Thursday Island.

    A deputation consisting of the Hon. E.B. Forrest, Messrs. J. Forsyth, A.A. MacDiarmid, and J. Hamilton, M.L.A., interviewed the Colonial Treasurer on Tuesday in connection ...

    Article : 253 words
  6. State School Teachers' Conference.

    The second sitting of the fourth annual conference of Queensland State school teachers was held on the 7th instant in the Divinity Hall. Mr. T. Bradbury (president) took the ...

    Article : 1,642 words
  7. Official Notifications.

    APPOINTMENTS.—R. Robinson and J.R. Williams, to be trustees of the reserve for cemetery, in the parish of Norman, vice R.S. Shanklin and A. Peterson, resigned; T. ...

    Article : 518 words



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