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  2. Then Don't Watch the Pot.

    A watched pot never boils, and a watched clock never goes. Nothing is quick enough for impatience. Minutes, hours, and days are mere words after all. We are happy ...

    Article : 748 words
  3. Children's Corner.

    Harry was the first to awake next morning. He rubbed his eyes and tried to remember what had happened the day before. He looked at Mary, sound ...

    Article : 1,241 words
  4. Letters to the Editor.

    Sir,—Some letters from well-known squatters and pioneers of Western Queensland have already appeared in the "Queenslander" re excessive rents and ...

    Article : 633 words
  5. A Willow Pattern Plate Rhyme.

    This is one of the rhyming descriptions of the scenes on the old-fashioned willow pattern plate :— There's two birds flying high, ...

    Article : 125 words
  6. Naughty Princes.

    Even in royal nurseries naughty children are not quite unknown, and it is even possible for violent quarrels to arise between princes of tender years. ...

    Article : 139 words
  7. "A Plea for Stall Feeding."

    Sir,—"Plea for Stall Feeding," "Queenslander" of 25th.—Not being able to see the profit or advantage in the said "calculation," I showed it to several ...

    Article : 105 words
  8. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 490 words



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