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  2. Canary-mare

    Some are encumbered with many friends, Or lovers who speak them fair. But all my flection begins and ends In my little Canary-mare. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 142 words
  3. A Woman's Promise.

    O you have made up your mind?" she laid down the plate she had been drying, and twisted her thin, ...

    Article : 1,353 words
  4. Thrice Seen.

    ELL! What are we to do with ourselves this evening? We are Quite 'three old maids ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 3,183 words
  5. Enjoyment.

    How can I catch the sunlight And wear it in my hair? Is there a golden apple Whose core is not despair? ...

    Article : 47 words
  6. The Wattle Bloom.

    There's a grave at the foot of a mountain, And the clover around it grows fair; It is marked by no marble or fountain, But the form of a loved one lies there. ...

    Article : 95 words



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