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  2. Brisbane Letter.

    Parliament opens to-day in due state and ceremony and once more the Union Jack flies from the middle tower of Parliament ...

    Article : 888 words

    LONDON, Friday.--An explosion at Darren colliery, South Wales, has caused, 48 miners to bo imprisoned. It is feared that many have been killed. Rescue parties have saved ...

    Article : 251 words
  4. Canadian Immigrants.

    LONDON, Monday.--During the first half of the new fiscal year the immigrants into Canada numbered 120,933, including 56,486 from the United States. ...

    Article : 207 words
  5. United States Cotton.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 59 words

    ON, Saturday.--Report stage of the Bill was completed in the House of yesterday. Joyd-George (Chancellor of the ...

    Article : 126 words
  7. The Financial Agreement.

    The final stage, so far us the Federal Parliament is concerned, in the settlement of the financial agreement. should be determined this week, ...

    Article : 1,277 words
  8. U K Civil Servants and Politics.

    LONDON, Friday.--Mr. Asquith has preside over a committee of the Cabinet which has considered the question of Civil servants participating in politics. The committee ...

    Article : 77 words
  9. The North Pole.

    The impression is gaining ground both in Europe and America that Dr. Cook is a brilliant impostor, a stupendous fake, and a colossal liar whose dulled cheek is ...

    Article : 1,244 words
  10. French Naval Construction.

    LONDON, Friday.--The French cruisor Mirabeau, 18,000 tons, has been launched. [The French Minister of Marine, Admiral Boue de Lapeyrere; recently stated that he ...

    Article : 83 words
  11. Suffragette Tactics.

    LONDON, Friday.--The Women's Freedom has withdrawn its pickets from the of the House of Commons, and has to Mr. Asquith that the time has ...

    Article : 72 words
  12. Governor-Generalships.

    LONDON, Saturday.--Bitter discussion has arisen in South Africa on the rumour of an intention to appoint Mr. Herbert Gladstone as Governor-General. Many people object ...

    Article : 154 words
  13. Joffries Versus Johnson.

    LONDON, Friday.—Jeffries and Johnson are in New York, and have agreed to fight for the heavyweight championship of the world before July 5, the contest to be of 45 rounds ...

    Article : 105 words
  14. Mr. Henniker Heaton, M.P.

    LONDON, Friday.--The Mayor of Canter Mr. Goldney, a Unionist, threetens to the re-election to the House of Com[?]f Mr. Henniker as ...

    Article : 81 words
  15. Found Shot.

    Sidney Ernest Bundy, 31, was to-day found on Henley beach with a bullet wound in his head, and a revolver lying alongside him. Haying been in ill-health, he left home on Friday ...

    Article : 66 words
  16. British Admiralty.

    LONDON, Monday.-- Mr. Asquith his shurply rebuked Lord Charles Beresford for having published correspondence in regard to the Admiralty and the promotion of officers ...

    Article : 150 words
  17. Sultan of Morocco.

    LONDON, Saturday.--Germany has sent the of Morocco an ultimatum requiring him his German creditors. France is in with Germany in the matter. ...

    Article : 50 words
  18. The Suez Canal.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 189 words
  19. Motoring Fatality.

    A motor car travelling at high speed crashed into an electric wire standard at EL wood last night and turned n complete somersault landing in a heap 40ft away. Some ...

    Article : 108 words
  20. Greek Crisis.

    LONDON, Friday.--The "Berliner Tage states that Great Britain, France, and Russia, as protectors of Crete, formed the Military League at Athens ...

    Article : 839 words
  21. Canadian Naval Defence.

    LONDON, Sunday.—The Canadian naval defence scheme contemplates the fortification of Sydney, Cape Breten. in view of coal for the east coast passing that place. Experts ...

    Article : 142 words
  22. Victorians at N.S.W. Bar.

    Application was made by four Victorians, Messrs. W. H. Irvine K.C., M.P., Mann, Starke,and Macarthur, to the Full Court, this morning to practise at the Bar of New South ...

    Article : 63 words
  23. Land for the People.

    LONDON, Tuesday.--Mr. Balfour is the author of a preface to a pumphlet by Sir Gilbert Parker, M.P., entitled "The Land for the People." Mr. Balfour remarks that more is ...

    Article : 534 words
  24. Escapee Recaptured.

    George flarris, who escaped from Parrambatta Asylum on Thursday, was captured by tho police in a house at Redfern at an early, hour this morning. ...

    Article : 36 words
  25. The " Spook Julia."

    LONDON, Monday,-At the desire of Mr W. T. Stead, expressed through his medium of communication with spirit land, the "Julis's bureau," the spirit of the lata Mr. Gladstone ...

    Article : 194 words
  26. Supposed Drowning

    A case of supposed drowning in which many mysterious elements occur took place on Saturday afternoon. It appears that a little boy named David Brimson, aged 10, who resided ...

    Article : 312 words
  27. The Waratah.

    LONDON, Saturday.--The Government tug Fuller has scorched the coast in the vicinities of Cape Agulhas and Bankfield, and has examined the whole coast front Canetown to Port ...

    Article : 392 words
  28. Death of a Prominent Footballer.

    Followers of the Rugby Union game will be sorry to hear of tho death of Harold Smith, late member of the Sydney District Club, who was also a Now South Wales and M.R.U. ...

    Article : 70 words
  29. Drenching a Suffragette.

    LONDON, Tuesday.--Mr. Gladstone (Secretary of State for Home Affairs) made a statement in the House of Commons yesterday in reference to the action of warders at ...

    Article : 191 words
  30. A Tariff Question.

    Some month ago the Kalgoorlie Power and Electric Light Company commenced an action against the Commonwealth for the refund of duty paid on certain imported engines. The ...

    Article : 127 words



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