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  1. Please wait. Loading browse data... loading

    Circumstances seem to have conspired to render the events of the past week even less noteworthy than those of its immediate predecessors. To commence with, the customary ...

    Article : 1,547 words
  3. Legislative Council Elections.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 701 words
  4. Payment of Sleeper Cutters.

    A number of men from the Wirrabara Forest, where they hare been sleepercutting, have been waiting here sines Monday to get paid. As it is more ...

    Article : 63 words
  5. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 763 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,782 words
  7. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 406 words
  8. The Alma Mine.

    A telegram has been received by the secretary of of the Alma mine from the chairman of the board of directors who. with Messrs. O. W. Sudholz and Thomas Warner, is visitin ...

    Article : 56 words

    The secretary of the Pekina races telegraphs us that the races there which have been postponed will take place wet or dry on Tuesday next. ...

    Article : 42 words
  10. Rainfall Return.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 272 words
  11. The Coming English Cricket Team.

    Last week, as we hare already stated, Major Wardell, secretary of the Melbourne Cricket Club, cabled to the champion cricketer, Mr. W. G. Grace, an offer of £1,600 and expensea if ...

    Article : 283 words

    DIANELLA, schooner, 84 tons, J.R. Inkater, from Port Germein. FRANKLIN, steamer, 700 tons, F. Carrington, from Albany. Passengers — Mr. ...

    Article : 767 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 776 words
  14. A New Lite- Saving Apparatus.

    An ingenious contrivance, to be used in case of shipwreck, consisting of the mattress of a ship's bunk, which can be instantaneously converted into a small boat, was on view on ...

    Article : 853 words

    His Excellency the Governor of Victoria (Sir H. B. Loch), Lady Loch, and suite, left by the express for Melbourne on Wednesday afternoon, A guard of honor consisting of ...

    Article : 2,322 words
  16. The Rev. J. B. Gribble

    The steamer Franklin, which arrived hero from Western Australia on Wednesday night, had among her passengers the Rev. J. B. Gribble, the plaintiff in the recent West ...

    Article : 175 words



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