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Advertising : 2,634 wordsJuly 18—The cutter Roseanna, 30 tons, Heard, master, from Guichen Bay. Cargo, 6 bales wool, 6 chests tea, 30 hides, 3 oasks tallow, order. Sume day—The barque Fanny Fisher, 350 tons, ...
Article : 131 wordsSAMSON, WICKSTEED & Co.—Newhaven, on the ground, Wharf sites and Building allotments. To-MORROW, SATURDAY, JULY 20. SAMSON, WICKSTEED, & Co., at the Mart—The ...
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Detailed lists, results, guides : 244 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 93 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 188 wordsWe have at length got the cost of the works at the New Ford, and it amounts according to the City Commissioners' returns to £1425 12s 1d. Of this, £302 ...
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Adelaide Times (SA : 1848 - 1858), Fri 19 Jul 1850, Page 2
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