WORLD-FAMOUS Negro singer Paul Robeson last week refused to tell the US Senate Judiciary Committee whether he belonged to the Communist Party, as an answer would be an invasion of his right to secret ballot. Telling the committee how his son went to school in Russia, where he found complete freedom from racial prejudice, Robeson added, “I, too, ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 126 wordsLONDON.—The work of the US Embassy in Moscow is “directed against the Russian people,” said Miss Annabelle Bucar in a letter telling the US Ambassador that she was ...
Article : 509 wordsRANGOON. — The French have granted a form of “independence” to a Vietnam “ruled” by puppet “Premier,” ...
Article : 414 wordsLONDON.—Americans who always expect other countries to pay their debts, even if 50 years old, will probably default on commitments they made to Marshall Plan countries only last April. ...
Article : 314 wordsBERLIN.—Prince August Wilhelm, of Prussia, former Hitler storm troop group leader and now Henry Ford II’s ...
Article : 166 wordsSINGAPORE.—Malcolm Donald, renegade son of Britain’s most famous Labor traitor, has announced in ...
Article : 155 wordsHONGKONG. — Two of the liberated areas in Northern China have coalesced to form a single free territory with a ...
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Tribune (Sydney, NSW : 1939 - 1991), Wed 9 Jun 1948, Page 2
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