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    SYDNEY, April 16.—Much interest centres around to-night’s meeting of the Labor Council in regard to the 2KY position. Suggestions are made that a company is to be formed and that this company is endorsed by some of those who previously fought ...

    Article : 252 words
  3. Miners’ Union Wins Long Struggle

    Early in 1933, Jacob Pye, a miner employed at the Metropolitan Colliery, Helensburgh, claimed compensation against his employers on the grounds that he was suffering from lung trouble caused by his employment. ...

    Article : 527 words

    The Transport Bill, which will again come before the New South Wales Parliament in a few days, is a measure which definitely threatens the rights and conditions of thousands of railway and tramway employees. ...

    Article : 767 words

    SYDNEY—At the last meeting of the Lang Federal Electorate Council of the Labor Party the following expressive resolution on ...

    Article : 147 words
  6. Korumburra Miners’ Dispute Settled

    During last week-end the dispute which has operated at Korumburra, Victoria, for the past two months has been settled on terms which have been ...

    Article : 81 words
  7. Opposition to Scab Union

    SYDNEY, April 15—Joe Keenan, leader of the Seamen’s Union, when interviewed by the “Workers’ Weekly,” to-day, said that the ...

    Article : 230 words
  8. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 203 words
  9. Workers’ Parties Co-operate In Townsville Elections

    TOWNSVILLE.—The recent City Council elections resulted in a victory for the reactionary “ratepayers’” team by a very narrow majority. This team, ...

    Article : 332 words
  10. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 10 words
  11. Casey Continues His Splitting Tactics

    BRISBANE.—At the last stopwork meeting difficulty was met in getting sufficient Seamen to constitute a quorum. ...

    Article : 195 words
  12. “Delayed,” Lead Poisoning

    A mine worker of Mount Isa, some time ago entered the company’s hospital suffering from a skin irritation; whilst he was there a blood test was taken and ...

    Article : 80 words
  13. Protest Meetings Against Transport Bill

    SYDNEY.—During the past two weeks huge mass meetings of protest organised by the shop committees have been held at Eveleigh, Enfield and Chullora. At ...

    Article : 142 words
  14. Speed-up Leads to Accidents

    BRISBANE. — Working conditions on the Brisbane waterfront are decidedly bad, and the number of industrial casualties has reached ...

    Article : 282 words
  15. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 70 words
  16. Economy Stunt at Mt. Isa

    MOUNT ISA, (Q’ld).— The mine management here has taken off duty, and placed on day work all the shift fitters. This means that the ordinary ...

    Article : 159 words
  17. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 68 words



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