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  2. Advertising

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    Advertising : 89 words
  3. Organisation Report to C.C. Plenum Shows Party Growth Many Recruits Lost, Due to Loose Methods and inactivity of Units

    The Party has grown rapidly during the past few months. The review preceding the recruiting drive of June-July revealed a membership of ...

    Article : 2,457 words
  4. Build the M M.

    The chief lesson of the National M.M. Conference to be learned is that the mass fraternal organisations cannot not continue their growth and develop ...

    Article : 641 words
  5. Eight Years Without Lenin Build the Party of Leninism

    In January of this year, the workers of all countries will observe the eight anniversary of the death of Lenin, the greatest theoretician and leader of the proletarian revolution, the foremost teacher of the most revolutionary Party, the guiding spirit and ...

    Article : 602 words
  6. Captain and Crew of Motor Ship “Eli” Refute “Herald” Lies

    A particularly vicious diatribe against the Soviet Union appeared in the columns of that capitalist vampire, the “Sydney Morning Herald,” this week. It purported to be a description of conditions in the Workers' Republic, given in an interview by the officers and crew of the Norwegian ...

    Article : 224 words
  7. Send a Delegation to U.S.S.R.

    A short time now remains for the completion of the arrangements to send a workers' delegation to the U.S.S.R., which will be in time to participate in the mighty 1st May demonstrations in the Soviet Union, and to study the development of the Workers' Republic as the Five Year Plan ...

    Article : 244 words



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