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  2. Correspondence.

    Correspondence must be brief and to the point. The Editor cannot undertake to return rejected manuscript, and be is in no way bound by the views of correspondent. ...

    Article : 34 words

    This following is the full text of Mr. Schey's Eight Hour Bill, the second reading of which was debated and adjourned in the Assembly last week. The bill is very similar to that ...

    Article : 1,763 words

    Four hundred babies are born daily in London. In Canton over 30,000 people live in house-boats. ...

    Article : 778 words
  5. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,384 words

    The striking carpet weavers in Philadelphia claim a decisive victory. Sail Francisco co-operationists will start a home for disemployed women. ...

    Article : 779 words
  7. The Penal Clause.

    Although in favor of an Eight-Hours Bill, I do not believe in a penal clause. In the first place it gives people who are opposed to it a great handle ; Secondly, it is not ...

    Article : 331 words
  8. The Eight Hour Day.

    Toll us, thou jolly-nosed priest, we pray, How many hours dost thon work a day ? "I," answered the priest, "I pallor my prayers, ...

    Article : 445 words
  9. Federated Seamen.

    THE members of this union met on Monday night at the hall, Sussex-street. There was quite a crowd present, much interest being displayed regarding the Eight-Hour ...

    Article : 165 words
  10. Socialism and Art.

    MR. A. G. YEWEN gave an instructive lecture on the above subject on Sunday last, at the Social Democratic Club, 395 Pitt-street, Sydney. There was a large and ...

    Article : 288 words

    S. V. Labor members do an immense amount of propaganda work. Dr. Harman Tarrant is still a member of the Legislative Council. Ugh ! ...

    Article : 347 words

    A N.S.W. Minister of the Crown has been secretly divoread. There is a money-making method in Sir Julian Salomon's alleged madness. ...

    Article : 243 words
  13. A Royal Philanthropist.

    King Humbert of Italy sometimes goes about Rome incognita, like Hatoun-al-Raschid, to sec how the poor live. Lately be visited the official pawnbrokers. He was ...

    Article : 141 words
  14. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 317 words
  15. How the Rich Live.

    An American, the son of an American millionaire and politician, aud a young man of thirty, recently gave a farewell dinner to his Paris friends in a fashionable restaurant of ...

    Article : 203 words
  16. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 42 words
  17. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 33 words



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