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  1. Please wait. Loading browse data... loading
  2. Commissariat.

    In consequence of the breaking up of the Government Establishment at Norfolk Island, this line barque, hitherto employed in keeping up the communication with that station, will be ...

    Article : 214 words
  3. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,954 words
  4. Local.

    FUNERAL OF JAMES MAYNARD.--The interment of this lad took place [?] Wednesday last, at St. George's, in [?] presence of a large assemblage of the ...

    Article : 1,926 words
  5. Original Correspondence.

    SIR, --I beg to ask yon, is it true that necessary works are at a stand still in Tasmania for want of mechanics ? Is it true that mechanics are paid such rates of wages at the present ...

    Article : 255 words
  6. Police.

    Mr. Fowler, coach builder, of Collins-street, preferred a charge against Geo. Paine, mechanic, for misconduct in behaving in in unruly manner to his ...

    Article : 761 words
  7. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 130 words

    SIR, -- My name having of late been brought prominently before the public in the Hobart Town newspapers, in reference to charges made against myself and other Officers of the Convict ...

    Article : 90 words
  9. To the Editor of the Tasmanian Colonist.

    SIR,-- For some time past, as I am informed, one of the Hobart Town newspapers, called the 'Tasmanian Daily News,' has been indulging in a series of attacks upon the Convict ...

    Article : 518 words
  10. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 53 words

    THE assemblage at the Royal Exchange on Thursday evening, for the formation of the Hobart Town Lodging House Society, was not only a very respectable, ...

    Article : 1,016 words

    On Thursday evening a very large and highly influential meeting took place at the Royal Exchange Rooms, to take into consideration the necessity of ...

    Article : 957 words



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