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Advertising : 173 wordsUNDER this title we have received from a correspondent, who asserts that he is " an unhappy pound-keeper," a somewhat voluminous and halfreproachful notice of the observations we made ...
Article : 786 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 15 wordsB. Certainly not. The second and concluding notice of the Exhibition of Paintings was partly written and in type when we received the fatter of an Amateur. His statement is so curious that we withhold our own ...
Article : 87 wordsFREE PORT OF ADELAIDE.—TAKE NOTICE the vessels of ALL NATIONS trading to or visiting this Port are FREE from dues or charges of every description either in entering or leaving the port. ...
Article : 538 wordsON Thursday the non-official members of the Legislative Council were taken aback by the Governor's laying on the table a despatch of which the following is a copy:— ...
Article : 810 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 263 wordsMajor O'Halloran presented a petition from the tradesmen of Adelaide emploped in the construction of drays, carts, and agricultural implement", complaining of the injury they sustain in consequence of the duties on the ...
Article : 90 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 211 wordsH. W. Phillips v. Nathan.—Claim £2 10s for expenses on some wool per Royal Archer. wool brought from Rivoli Bay was to have been shipped on board the above vessel, but, she not ...
Article : 249 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,100 wordsHis Excellency laid on the table a despatch from the Secretary of State, dated 18th June. 1846, requiring early provision to be made for the redemption of the bonds issued by the South Australian Colonization ...
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South Australian Gazette and Colonial Register (Adelaide, SA : 1845 - 1847), Sat 20 Feb 1847, Page 2
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