An application to remit the action of Martell v Victorian Coal Miners' Association to the County Court was refused by Mr. Justice A'Beckett this afternoon. ...
Article : 24 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 71 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 616 wordsMr. Ord, Chief Inspector of Factories, has, it is known, not had any leave for three years. Now that the Factories Act has lapsed he will go away on leave ...
Article : 76 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 14 wordsSince yesterday morning rain has only fallen on the east coast and eastern districts and ranges. The fall was light, the maximum being 58 points at Warburton. ...
Article : 49 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 142 wordsThe Premier states that the Cabinet has considered the point as to whether the Factories' Commission goes out of existence with the act. ...
Article : 143 words{No abstract available}
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Advertising : 118 wordsThe anniversary ball and supper in connection with the Beechworth St. Joseph's branch of the H.A.C.B.S., in aid of the St. Joseph's Primary School, ...
Article : 586 wordsIn the Cape Assembly yesterday, Mr, J. A. Merriman, a prominent supporter of the Afrikander Bond, moved a resolution denouncing the suspension movement ...
Article : 51 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 35 wordsIn the German military manoeuvres at Frankfort the Emperor William led a charge, in which 8000 cavalry took part, forming a magnificent spectacle. ...
Article : 27 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 25 wordsReuter's correspondent at Cairo reports that since July 15th, 20,328 cases of cholera have occurred in Egypt, of which 15,209 have proved fatal. ...
Article : 27 wordsThe annual recurrence of the Wangaratta Show is always looked forward to with interest as the most complete and attractive in the North- Eastern district, ...
Article : 4,903 wordsAmerican opinion is amazed at the Boer generals' disregard of the terms of the peace settlement, and applauds Mr. Chamberlain's admirably calm reply. ...
Article : 80 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 152 wordsThe usual monthly meeting of directors was held on the 8th inst., when the full board was present, Mr. doig presiding. Correspondence of a general character ...
Article : 234 wordsThe Federal tariff, after being before Parliament for almost a year, was practically settled at Tuesday's sitting of the Senate, and only requires to go through ...
Article : 125 words{No abstract available}
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