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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 746 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 18 words

    DEAR BELL,—The policy of the management of the Royal has manifested itself in a most startling manner. Irish rubbish is suddenly abandoned, and the "Rose of ...

    Article : 1,588 words
  5. Rowing Reports, by "Remus."

    With the exception of the practice on the river for the University Challenge Pair-Oared Race, on account of which appeared in last week's Bell, I have Seen but little worthy ...

    Article : 811 words
  6. Provincial.

    BALLAARAT.—Mr. Collins has appeared during the week in a round of his popular Irish comedy characters, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Steele and the corps dramatique of the ...

    Article : 669 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 45 words
  8. Melbourne Amateur Athletic Sports.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 518 words

    Breeder.—The stud horse, Worcester, now standing at Avoca, won more than two races in England; we cannot find that he ever beat Out K night of St. George. ...

    Article : 379 words
  10. THE GUN.

    DEAR SIR,—So there has been an attempt made by the sportsmen, as against the dillellanti to have the quail removed from the list of protected game, and it has ended by ...

    Article : 1,134 words

    On Saturday last, the above interesting match took place at Plant's Peacock hotel. A cave being dug in the earth the birds are set at once upon the wing, and without the ...

    Article : 297 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 34 words
  13. The Challenge Cup.

    MELBOURNE v. South YARRA,—This very interesting match, will be played this afternoon, on the South Yarra ground. The game will commence at two o'clock sharp, in ...

    Article : 282 words
  14. CRICKET.

    THE M.C.C. ANNUAL MEETING.—The annual general meeting will be held this day week in the pavilion at half-past two. A full attendance is desired, as the object of ...

    Article : 206 words
  15. Laws of Pigeon Trap-shooting.

    The following are the revised rules, as adopted by the Old Red House, and in force at the aristocratic matches at Horsey Wood and the principal clubs. ...

    Article : 1,361 words
  16. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 253 words
  17. No title

    ONE of the least attractive and dullest books which has been issued from the press during the present year is at the same time one of the most valuable ...

    Article : 1,235 words



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