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  2. Advertising

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    Advertising : 78 words
  3. Advertising

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    Advertising : 63 words
  4. That Douglas Maw-run Scheme.

    Though "Truth" exposed a nebulous scheme which the Douglas Mawson Relief Committee was asking the people of Queensland, to support the committee did not utter one word in rebuttal of the attack—until nine days, later, the president and the secretary travelled 420 miles to Rockhampton during, the week to call the attack "a damnable set of lies." 'Why did they not face the music where the tune was played—and who is paying for their 420-mile trip to talk to 13 people, ...

    Article : 2,580 words
  5. RAIN

    Down beneath a plain, blue sky Goes the cocky on his marrows, Cursing all things bright and dry, ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 263 words

    We've gotter go; no wish nor pray'r uv ours—Not even if we're dooks or aldermen—Kin alter that. We've gotter go some day The all uv us—no douth kin 'old us then. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 298 words

    Who can undaunied brave the Critic roge, Or note unmoved his mention in the Critic's page, Parade his errors in the public eye, And Mother Grundy's rage defy? ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 672 words

    Who can unda[?] breve the Critic's rage, or note unmoved his mention in the Critic's page. Parade his errors in the pubic eye, And Mother Grundy's rage defy? ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 654 words
  9. We Hate to Talk, But—

    "Truth," with its up-to-date news methods and its chain of newspapers throughout Australia, cannot help beating its rivals to the publication of things that matter, but our optimism born of that knowledge, is not so great ...

    Article : 171 words
  10. Married!

    "Daddy, why did you marry mother?" asked the little boy, curiously. "I'm sure I don't know," ...

    Article : 169 words
  11. Censor Humor!

    Apropos "Pecksniff" Pratten's sniffy censorship campaign against the picture shows, we should like to remind him that ...

    Article : 128 words



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