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  2. Town-planning and Dandenong

    SIR,—With reference to the remarks of Mr. Jeffers that there is a need for a Town Planning Authority in Dandenong. The A.N.A. have arranged for ...

    Article : 73 words
  3. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 576 words
  4. Sixty Enjoy A.C.F.'s Wind-up Luncheon

    AFTER SIX YEARS of ceaseless endeavor for the boys of the Forces the Dandenong A.C.F. has disbanded. Members, however, did not let. the ...

    Article : 439 words
  5. Dewhurst

    THE FOLLOWING have been elected to the Dewhurst School Committee for the current three year period: President, Mrs. E. Palise; treasurer, ...

    Article : 38 words

    AFTER just over four years in the R.A.A.F. Laurie Taylor, son of Mr. Les Taylor, has received his discharge and this week joins the staff of the ...

    Article : 181 words



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