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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,037 words
  3. Dandenong Council

    GRANTS for public parks and gardens are on a £2 for £1 basis, the Hon. F. Field, M.L.A., replied to council’s query. Enclosed was an application ...

    Article : 312 words
  4. Dandenong’s Telephone Service

    SIR,—Permit us to reply to your correspondent, Mr. Kelcey, and correct the impression he appears to have gathered, that this Chamber was ...

    Article : 135 words
  5. From The Berwick Diggers

    AT A MEETING of the Berwick R.S.L. on July 8th, when the hall was open to the public, a very informative talk on Red Cross activities in ...

    Article : 215 words
  6. Yannathan Wattle Club Shows Appreci-ation Of Secretary

    AT THE Yannathan Wattle Club’s monthly dance on July 10th Mrs. A. Peck, the president, on behalf of members, presented Miss Betty Gardiner ...

    Article : 184 words

    BRUCE McINNES, a local lad, joined up with the Air Force this week, and expects to be called up in about a week, to commence training as a ...

    Article : 88 words



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