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    ACCIDENT AND FORTUNATE ESCAPE.—An accident fortunately without serious results, occurred to Mrs, J. C. House, of Green Gully, Sandon, on Sunday last. Driving in company with two of her children, ...

    Article : 660 words

    SOUTH AUSTRALIAN LAWS ON PLEURO-PNEUMONIA —Our attention has been called, by many of our correspondents, to the inconvenience which the present regulations for diseased cattle cause on the ...

    Article : 373 words
  4. ARARAT.

    SINGULAR, IF TRUE.—It may be interesting to learn that many of the up-country aboriginals evince a considerable dread of pigs. They imagine that the greatest calamity which can befal them ...

    Article : 718 words

    A QUESTION OF LEGAL PRACTIVE was decided by the Warden (J. Daly, Esq.) on Thursday, when the adjourned case of Conrad v. Kennedy came on for tearing. When the case originally came before the ...

    Article : 1,095 words

    THE LOTTERY OF GOLD-DIGGING has been aptly illustrated at Little Chinaman's recently. Some months since a "hatter" set in in the flat near Black's old store, and soon came upon a 10 ounce ...

    Article : 187 words

    A COACH ATTACKED BY A BULL.—When the Inglewood and Raywood coach had reached the crossing of the Swan Hill road, on its return to the former place, the driver saw a bullock which ...

    Article : 203 words
  8. M'IVOR

    CHASING A LUNATIC.—A few days since the police had an intimation that a suspicious character was hovering about the neighborhood, and Constable Timothy was despatched to bring him in. After ...

    Article : 497 words
  9. ALBURY.

    THE RIVERS.—During the week reports of the extreme fulness of all the rivers and creeks have been coming in. On Tuesday last, the Murrumbidgee at Hay was eight or ten feet above its usual ...

    Article : 426 words

    DASTARDLY CONDUCT.—We regret, for the honor of our town, to state that some blackguard, on Sunday morning last, smashed the face of the large clock in front of Mr. Walsh's shop, and the rain ...

    Article : 146 words
  11. TALBOT.

    FOUR LIVES SAVED.—A child named Annie Halsted, about four or five years of age, was nearly drowned in Mr Hawkins's pump hole, on the flat, yesterday evening, about five o'clock. The child ...

    Article : 1,138 words



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