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Advertising : 295 wordsThe Town Council held its usual meeting on Tuesday, when much time was consumed in discussing details of work to be done within the ...
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Advertising : 318 wordsThe people of Inverell should be proud of their park. It is a splendid sight nearly all the year round, and it is the joy and care of many of our ...
Article : 927 wordsHIGH JUMP THRILLS. Two remarkable incidents in the High Jump contest at the Sydney Show. Jockey J. Barton, left, clinging to the rails after his mount had propped, and Mr. Payne's Robin, landing with his rider in a peculiar position. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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The Inverell Times (NSW : 1899 - 1907, 1909 - 1954), Fri 2 May 1930, Page 3
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