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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 539 words
  3. Inquiry Corner?

    "If girls have to take part in the next war, do you think they will be allowed to choose the defence force with which they will serve?" asks ...

    Article : 490 words
  4. Have you Heard?

    On the borderland of every woman's vision lies the fear of 40, that unrestful time when one has to say goodbye to the ...

    Article : 810 words
  5. 'Nation of the Virgins'

    MOST remarkable people are to be found in "The Nation of the Virgins," in Azerbaijan, the "Land of Eternal Fire," lying between the ...

    Article : 383 words

    A pinch of carbonate of soda, stirred into each pint of new milk, will keep it fresh and sweet any length of time, and it in no way flavors the milk ...

    Article : 81 words
  7. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 550 words



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