In the Council yesterday the principal measure dealt with was the Stamp Duties Amendment Bill, the second reading of which, after a short debate, was agreed to, and the ...
Article : 371 wordsIn the Assembly a long debate took place under the motion for adjournment on the administration of the Lands Department. A number of members condemned the manner ...
Article : 265 wordsTHE Australian Christian World has published an article in this week's Sydney issue, giving an account of frauds alleged to have been, perpetrated upon the Railway Department of ...
Article : 586 wordsOF 24 New South Wales patents granted for inventions during the past month, the following were the purely Australian or colonial inventors, and the subject matter of whose ...
Article : 726 wordsArchbishop Goold died yesterday, after a short illness. MELBOURNE, June 14. The remains of the late Archbishop Goold ...
Article : 523 wordsLast night, at 10 minutes to 12 o'clock, as Mr. M'Gregor, of the firm of M'Gregor, Harris, and Co., was about to enter his residence in Phillip street, in company with Mr. ...
Article : 146 wordsYesterday morning the dead body of a young woman, known by the name of "Lizzie," and believed to have been living in Brisbane street, was found dead on the sand at North ...
Article : 531 wordsA LARGELY attended meeting of the members of the Australian Mutual Provident Society was held in the Protestant Hall last evening to receive the decision of the directors in regard ...
Article : 306 wordsA mass meeting of between 5,000 and 6,000 people, mostly Irishmen, and including many ladies, washeld on Saturday afternoon on a vacant allotment of land at Carlton, the town hall ...
Article : 351 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Week (Brisbane, Qld. : 1876 - 1934), Sat 19 Jun 1886, Page 25
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