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  2. Very Latest.

    Further information regarding the fighting near Dalmanuthu states that while General Sir Redvers Buller and Major-general Lyttelton, with two brigades of cavalry, operated ...

    Article : 187 words
  3. British and Foreign.

    American coal is being imported into France for the use of the French navy. ...

    Article : 25 words
  4. Queensland Casualties.

    His Excellency the Governor has received from the High Commissioner for South Africa the following cablegram, which is somewhat obscure, and which, therefore, is given as ...

    Article : 358 words
  5. Plague on a French Steamer.

    Three cases of buabonic plague have been reported on board a French, steamer which was passing Constantinople on tier homeward voyage. ...

    Article : 30 words
  6. Railway Collision at Glasgow.

    A railway-collision has occurred in Glasgow, by which four carriages were telescoped and 24 people injured. ...

    Article : 25 words
  7. Princes' Visits to Europe.

    Lord Curzon, Viceroy of India, has placed a veto upon the repeated visits of native Indian princes to Europe, in consequence of the restlessness and extravagance encouraged ...

    Article : 38 words
  8. Barque Ashore.

    The barque Lula dragged her anchor during a heavy gale at Launceston yesterday, and went ashore. ...

    Article : 23 words
  9. Naval Orders for Coal.

    It is announced that the Admiralty haveplaced orders with Cardiff mine owners for 100,000 tons of steam coal for the use of the nary at the highest prices now ruling. ...

    Article : 54 words
  10. Samoa Claims.

    King Oscar of Sweden, and Norway has agreed to act as arbitrator on the various international claims for compensation in connection with the recent hostilities in ...

    Article : 33 words
  11. Buller at Standerton.

    The Standerton correspondent of the Cape Times writing on June 23 says: General Buller entered Standerton about. 10 o'clock this morning. The first British troops in the ...

    Article : 679 words
  12. Bulgaria and Boumania.

    In consequence of the strained relations between Bulgaria and Roumania, all the Bulgarian army reserves have been summoned, and ordered to be in immediate readiness for ...

    Article : 37 words
  13. British Channel Squadron.

    The British Channel Squadron has been considerably strengthened, and the Admiralty are also forming a reserve squadron for home defence. This will enable ...

    Article : 75 words
  14. Maharajah Dethroned.

    Lord Curzon, viceroy of India, has dethroned the Maharajah of Bhartpur, one of the Rajputuna States, because of his intemperance and the shooting of a body servant ...

    Article : 41 words
  15. Pacific Cable Tenders.

    Tenders have been opened for the construction and laying of the proposed Pacific cable between Vancouver and Australia. The lowest tender is that of the Telegraph ...

    Article : 55 words
  16. Massacre in Armenia.

    In connection with the recent massacre oz 200 Armenians by Turkish troops at Spaghank, in Kurdistan, information from Constantinople states that the Sultan has given a ...

    Article : 58 words

    It is understood that the Government of Queensland intends to take steps to ascertain the intentions of the Pacific Cable Board respecting the laying of the cable, and these ...

    Article : 41 words
  18. Ashanti Rebellion.

    News has been received from Accra, the capital of Gold Coast Colony, stating that two columns of British troops, numbering 1,800, are engaged in punishing the Ashanti rebels, ...

    Article : 95 words
  19. Lord Roberts's Resort.

    The British casualties in the fighting around Belfast and Dalmanutha were five killed and 58 wounded. Lord Roberts, in his report to the War Office, describes the ...

    Article : 36 words
  20. Returning Soldiers.

    The returned soldiers had an enthusiastic reception yesterday. They were welcomed by the mayor at the new market buildings, where there was a great crowd, with three ...

    Article : 89 words
  21. Parr's Bank Robbery.

    A man, formerly a clerk at Parr's Bank, London, was charged at the police court with the theft of £60,000 in notes from the head office of the bank on January 23, 1599. The ...

    Article : 221 words
  22. Boers Attack Winburg.

    Lord Roberts reports to the War Office that the Boers on Sunday last made an attack on Winburg, in the Orange River Colony, from three sides, but the enemy were repulsed with ...

    Article : 55 words
  23. Imperial Yeomanry Rescued.

    Major-General Bruce Hamilton also rescued 250 men of the Imperial Yeomanry and other mounted troops, together with 25 infantry, all belonging to Major-general Ridley's force, ...

    Article : 43 words
  24. Plague Rioters at Cawnpore.

    News has been, received that 20 of the Hindus and Mahometans, who took part in the plague riots at Cawnpore on April 11 last have been sentenced to death, one has ...

    Article : 435 words
  25. Nineteen More Invalids.

    In connection with the other returned invalids now on their way to Brisbane, Mr. J. H. Forrest writes. "Re invalids from South Africa, there are 19 men in the ...

    Article : 154 words
  26. British Occupy Vrede.

    Major-general Boyes, with the 17th Brigade (part, of Lieutenant-general Rundle's force) has occupied Vrede, in the north-east of the Orange River Colony. ...

    Article : 29 words
  27. Boers Surrendering.

    It is announced that 169 additional Boers have surrendered to the British commander at Harrismith, in the Orange River Colony, near the Natal frontier. ...

    Article : 26 words
  28. Return to the Rand.

    We (the London Daily Telegraph) have received from the Colonial Office the appended official notification:—The Secretary of State finds it necessary ...

    Article : 235 words
  29. Steyn's Visit to Kruger.

    Ex-President Steyn, of the Orange Free State, and Commandant Delarey are reported to have paid a visit to President Kruger, who was last reported to be at Barberton, but the ...

    Article : 42 words
  30. Kruger Strong Willed.

    The Daily Telegraph?s special correspondent telegraphed from Waterval Onger in July as follows: "I have just interviewed Mr. Reitz, the Transvaal State Secretary, who received ...

    Article : 414 words
  31. Wounded Murdered.

    News from Pretoria states that a native declares that the Boers have murdered a party of whites and blacks who were lying wounded near the Potchefstroom railway line, by ...

    Article : 75 words
  32. Australian Casualties.

    The following Australian casualties are announced:—Private T. B. Foster, of the Victorian bushmen's contingent, died from enteric fever ...

    Article : 84 words



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