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  2. Demons Win At Baseball

    Weak batting against moderate pitching was the main feature poor game in Melbourne’s semi-final baseball win over ...

    Article : 529 words
  3. News Flashes From - - The Football Grounds

    WINTER conditions had left most of the grounds used in League and Association matches in a quagmire today, and, to add to the unpleasantness, several grounds were swept by a hail and rain storm during the first quarter. Players took what ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,600 words
  4. Start Of Their Journey

    A bunch comprising “A” and “B” grade competitors setting out at the start of their gruelling ride in the Malvern Star Melbourne-Wonthaggi ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 40 words
  5. Radical Changes In Team

    Essendon won the League premiership of 1923, but might not have done so but for making some radical changes in the team for the grand final. These caused a mild sensation and selectors were ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 2,021 words
  6. Hawkins Nearing All-Time Record

    George Hawkins. Prahran’s crack full-forward, with 11 goals to half time against Sandringham. had scored 137 goals this season. ...

    Article : 96 words
  7. Association

    BEFORE the Yarraville-Camberwell match. Dr. F. Hartnett. Camberwell’s president. and his team and exhorted them forget the ...

    Article : 430 words

    ALTHOUGH reports to how anglers fared yesterday when the frout season opened are meagre they indicate that despite the discouraging state ...

    Article : 265 words
  9. Billiards Singles Title Events

    FINALS of the South Sub[?]nd A and B. single-handed singles billiards championship will be played at Prahran club on Tuesday. This is the first time ...

    Article : 232 words
  10. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 144 words

    BEFORE the match against Collingwood today. Bentley, captain of the Richmond club, and the president (Mr B. Herbert) ...

    Article : 116 words
  12. Dynamite Punchers For Wednesday Night

    DOWN through the pages of fistic history we find that knock-erndead punchers always have been the greatest drawcards. Fight fans are ...

    Article : 212 words
  13. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 82 words
  14. Can Anybody Help?

    TO assist a visitor from Brisbane to fine relatives whose address has been lost. Mr “Bill” Francis. a football and golf enthusiast is asked to ...

    Article : 4 words
  15. Cycle Tour To Montrose

    MEMBERS of the Victorian Touring Cyclists Association will leave. The Herald building at 10.15 tomorrow. to tour to Montrose. Motor bus will leave ...

    Article : 38 words
  16. Melbourne Boys’ Cricket

    THE annual meeting the Melbourne Boys Club Cricket Association will be held at 238 Latrobe Street on Wednesday Grades are:—A (under 20). B (under 18). ...

    Article : 32 words

    {No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 21 words
  18. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 61 words



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